13,000 km 3 15,300,000 km 3 1,350,000,000 km 3 71,000 km 3 33,000,000 km 3 425,000 km 3 40,000 km 3
Carbon Cycling
Nitrogen Cycling
Global Biogeochemical Cycles billion tons of carbon trapped in microbes billion tons nitrogen in microbes 9-14 billion tons phosphorus in microbes 85% of the 15 billion tons of nitrogen fixed annually is fixed by bacteria 50% of oxygen produced by cyanobacteria
Carbon Cycling
Carbon dioxide concentration (ppm) Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii
Hottest years on Record
IPCC Projected Impacts
Carbon dioxide concentration (ppm) Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii
Ocean Acidification CO 2 + H 2 0 H 2 CO 3 HCO H +
Hoegh-Guldberg, et al. Science, 2008
Location Of The Stations Ambika Badh, 2009
Longer growing season Higher yield Better quality and different varieties of crop Stronger economy Changes in rainfall pattern (+/-) Higher risk of flood Higher risk of drought Ambika Badh’s Predictions at 2007 NDAS meeting
Bird range shrinkage by 2050 after Jetz, et al. PLOS Biology, 2007 (8,750 species) 60% 10%
Fig. 25-5, p. 454
Parmesan, et al. Nature. 1999
The end
Carbon dioxide concentration (ppm) Vostock Ice Core, Antarctica
Projected Temperature Change Moderate Greenhouse Gas Increase Large Greenhouse Gas Increase
Parmesan, et al. Nature. 1999