Genesis 1:29-31 And God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit…it was very good!
A Short Excursus on Marijuana-Is it just “very good?” cx
Naming Marijuana FolkloreFolklore name derives from Mexican Pancho Villa gang 1895 – Maria Juana
Naming Marijuana Weed Pot Smoke Bud Ganja Chiba Herb Dank Dope Grass 420 Paca lolo
Naming Marijuana Medical marijuana Recreational marijuana (Point – Same, just renamed for context)
Medical Marijuana, i.e. OG Kush Stone Age Pharmacy DispensaryOG Kush
RecreationalRecreational marijuana; i.e. OG Kush New Vansterdam
Facing Marijuana Dried leaves and female flowers a member of the Cannabaceae or hemp family Over 400 chemical compounds including over 60 cannabinoids both non and psychoactive400 chemical Two species predominate: cannabis sativa and cannabis indicus Sophisticated cultivation changed 1970’s concentrations - about 10 mg THC /joint ; mg-300 mg
Numerous chemical compounds depending on strain and growth conditionsstrain
Cannabinoids Pharmacology Most potent psychoactive compound: ▵ 9 - tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 9 THC) Additive synergists and modifiers: ▵ 8 -THC, cannabinol Cannabidiol not a CB1/2 agonist Highly potent psycho-active major metabolite 11-hydroxy-THC
Absorption 50% of the THC herbal cannabis is inhaled, all absorbed - Peak onset minutes Oral ingestion less; blood concentrations reached are 25-30% - Peak onset hours
Distribution Blood flow dependent Brain/CNS Peak concentration in fatty tissues 4-5 days
Excretion First half-life about 7 days Complete elimination about 30 days Urine detection maximum times are 7 days and 21 days respectively depending on occasional vs chronic usage (point neuro-impairment can last a couple of days)
Mechanism of Action Specific cannabinoid receptor sites
Neuronal Cannabinoid Receptors CB 1 receptors
Spleen and Immune cell Receptors CB 2 receptor
Cannabidiol Anti-convulsive Anti-nausea Non-psychoactive compound
Cannabinoid Receptors
Cannabinoid Receptor
THC Actions Euphoria/Dysphoria Hallucinations Slowing of reaction time, motor incoordination Defects in short-term memory Somnolence Anxiolytic Dose-related tachycardia Immunosuppression Anti-inflammatory Analgesic Withdrawal upon chronic use-i.e. restlessness, anxiety, insomnia
Administration: Inhalation, Edibles, Massage oils etc
Genesis 1:29-31 And God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit…it was very good!
Genesis 1:29-31 Pre-fall Post-fall – cannabis like the rest of creation subject to the chaos of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:17-19) i.e. cannabis seen as an entheogen “("generating the divine within") is a chemical substance used in a religious, shamanic, or spiritual context that may be synthesized or obtained from natural species)”
Bizarre Exegesis kaneh-bosm ( vaeB... hNEhi -Cannabis) use by prophet-shaman Moses. Exodus 3:2-3 “Old Testament Prophets were none other than ancient shamans, and that cannabis and other entheogens played a very prominent role in ancient Hebrew culture… solid evidence of the Hebrew Sula Benet, a little known Polish etymologist from the Institute of Anthropological Sciences in Warsaw.” ' - By Chris Bennett - Wednesday, May 1, 1996http://
Spiritual considerations important in consideration marijuana usage the ability to think soberly so as not to hinder grace (cf. 1 Peter 1:13) the ability to continue an unhindered work of edification (Leviticus 10:9; ) the absence of causing weaker brothers to stumble (1 Corinthians 8:9; 10:23-32) not being mastered by the medicinal (1 Corinthians 6:12)
Plausible Medicinal Uses Cancer – anti-nausea Pain relief – contested Insomnia – contested IBS – plausible Point – evidence based medicinal use
Spiritual Considerations – Final Reflection Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.