Religion and prejudice what you need to know Case Studies Responses to prejudice Types of prejudice Religious attitudes to prejudice What is prejudice?
Prejudice = pre-judge someone unfairly Many prejudiced attitudes are based on stereotyping certain groups of people Discrimination means acting on prejudice Positive discrimination is treating people more favourably because of who or what they are Scape-goating is blaming certain groups for problems in society Why? Not knowing a group of people Not understanding culture or background Fear and uncertainty can encourage scape-goating Children may grow up hearing racist or sexist comments People may base their views on expectations Media If a person has been victim of prejudice previously
Types of prejudice Race & colour Racism Gender Sexism Gender Women's rights Religion Ageism Disability Class, lifestyle & looks
Religious Attitudes Tolerance: UN declaration said all human beings are born free and equal. Everyone has the right to think what they want and express their opinions. Tolerance means respecting other people’s beliefs Justice: All religions teach that people are equal. All people should be treated with justice that is fair and law abiding. Harmony: Living at peace with others. Means act with tolerance and understanding. Religious believers have a sense of community & by practising kindness, compassion and generosity people can live in harmony together. Individual: Each individual is made in God’s image and is special. Humans should treat each other with respect.
Christianity Discrimination goes against God’s design. Men & women were created in God’s image so are all equal. ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ Christians fight racial discrimination Buddhism The Buddha realised money didn’t bring happiness teaching that everyone has equal potential for reaching enlightenment. The eight fold path teach how to treat others ‘right action, right speech’
The law Britain has passed a number of laws against discrimination: Sex discrimination act 1975 Race relations act 1976 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Equality Act 2006 (against religious discrimination & ageism) All people should have equal rights at work and equal pay for the same type of work. Prejudice is harder to stop than discrimination as people cant be arrested for their attitudes
Case Studies Gandhi challenged prejudice & discrimination by following Hindu beliefs and teachings Martin Luther King challenged racist laws in the United States of America Archbishop Desmond Tutu challenged the system of apartheid in South Africa
Answering 6 mark questions You should not spend longer than 10 minutes on this question. It requires you to state and explain a range of views about the statement. A possible answer could include: A very brief introduction that shows you know the keyword e.g. animal testing is.... Me = what do you think about the statement and why give a reason why you either agree, disagree or are not sure Agree = would Christians/Buddhists/atheists agree with the statement? Why? e.g. Bible, Jesus, Buddha, karma, no God etc. How do they behave/act because of this belief. Disagree = would Christians/Buddhists/atheists agree with the statement? Why? e.g. Bible, Jesus, Buddha, karma, no God etc. How do they behave/act because of this belief. Finally = try to conclude by saying ‘To sum up Try to do a quick plan before you actually start!