Wk. 8 Argument Analysis & Criticism Wk 1. Argument & Critical Thinking Thought Wk 2. Co-Orientational View of Argument Wk 3. Argument Culture & Ethics Wk 4. Claims & Propositions Wk. 5 Evidence Wk. 6 Reasoning Wk. 7 Communicating Arguments Wk.9 Case Construction & Argument about facts Wk. 10 Principles of Case Construction Wk. 11 & 12 Arguing About Values Wk.12 & 14 Arguing About Policies Topics
Learning Outcomes Argument and Critical Thinking Thought To examine, Inferring, listening, Questioning, Reasoning, Synthesing Understanding the arguments & beliefs of others Critically evaluating those arguments & beliefs Developing & defending one’s own well- supported arguments & beliefs Text: Critical Thinking and Communication by Edward S. Inch, Barbara Warwick, 6 th Edition
Argument & Critical Thinking Thought Critical Thought Argumentation & Argument Arguments Context
Introduction “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively & to think critically” Martin Luther King Jr higher order thinking college education is to teach students how to think
What is Critical thinking It refers to a wide range of intellectual skills of activities in :- Analysing Conceptualising Defining Examining Inferring Listening Questioning Reasoning Synthesising Evaluating information + Evaluating our thoughts In a disciplined way
Critical Thinking Standards Clarity Precision Accuracy Relevance Consistency Logical correctness Completeness Fairness
Benefits of Critical thinking Skills learned:- In classroom Understanding the arguments & beliefs of others Critically evaluating those arguments & beliefs Developing & defending one’s own well-supported arguments & beliefs
Benefits of Critical thinking In workplace Quick learners who can solve problems, think creatively, gather & analyse information, draw appropriate conclusions from data, & communicate their ideas clearly & effectively In life Make us avoid foolish personal decisions Vital role in promoting democracy & social responsibilty Simply for personal enrichment
Barriers to Critical Thinking Lack of relevant background information Poor reading skills Bias Prejudice Superstition
Activity Break into groups of five. Choose one member of your group to take notes and be the group reporter. Discuss your education up to this point. To what extend has your education prepared you to think clearly, precisely, accurately, logically, and so forth? Have you ever known a person(e.g a person or teacher or parent) who modeled the critical thinking standards discussed in this class. If so, how did he or she do that?