Values and Attitudes Module 1 – Session 3 Postabortion Care: Values and Attitudes
Module 1 - Session 3 Objectives At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1.Define the terms values and attitudes 2.Explain the importance of being aware of our values and attitudes 3.Explain the importance of respect for all clients, regardless of their values, social status or personal situation, and demonstrate this in an actual counseling session or classroom activity 22
What is in these images? What do you see?
Can you find something in this picture?
And here? How many of the following do you see? A horse A bear A lion An eagle A wolf A priest A woman And what else?
Can you find 10 faces in this tree?
Do you see a man or a lake with a boat?
Can you find 9 people in this image?
Find the baby
Find the image next to the grave. In Einstein’s face you’ll find the Three Graces.