MCB’s Role in Broadening Participation BIO Advisory Committee November 18, 2004
Broadening Participation Must be Integral to everything we do. l Recruiting rotators l Recruiting panelists l Selecting reviewers l Mentoring l Outreach
Broadening Participation through Research Grants l Emphasis on Criterion 2 for all proposals l CAREER Awards for Integration of Research and Education l Supplements to research grants: REU, ROA, RET, for adding graduate students and post-docs from underrepresented groups.
Examples of Broadening Participation through CAREER Awards l Margaret Werner-Washburne, Presidential Young Investigator, Univ. of New Mexico l Marilyn Gunner-Presidential Faculty Fellow, City College of CUNY l Jill Bargonetti-Hunter College of CUNY, PECASE Awardee l Squire Booker-Penn State, PECASE Awardee l Derek Brazill-City College of CUNY
Examples of Broadening Participation through CAREER Awards Kurt Lamour, University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, CAREER: A Reverse Genetic Tool for Functional Genomics l Research Objective: To develop a reverse genetic, functional genomics tool for Phytophthora to isolate gene-specific mutants. l Education-Outreach Goals: Develop an educational program based on the Phytophthora sojae reverse genetics tool. l Activities include: A summer workshop hosted jointly by the University of Tennessee and Knoxville College serving undergraduates, graduate students and faculty from HBCUs.
Examples of Broadening Participation through CAREER Awards Gina McDonald, James Madison University, CAREER: A Difference Infrared Spectroscopic Study of a Nucleotide Binding Protein. l Became a PECASE Award in 1999 l Research Objective: Structure-function studies of RecA, a protein from E.coli involved in DNA repair and recombination, using biochemical and biophysical techniques including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. l Education-Outreach Goals: Establish a new biochemical laboratory and involve undergraduates and current and future high school teachers in l Integrated Research and Education activities expanded to include deaf or hard-of hearing teachers, undergraduates and high school students.