1 – Clay In the Potter’s Hand


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1. 2 The Potter’s Hand Beautiful Lord, wonderful Saviour I know for sure all of my days Are held in Your hand Crafted into Your perfect plan.
Just a closer walk with Thee. Just a closer walk with Thee, Grant it, Jesus, is my plea, Daily walking close to Thee, Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.
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Lord, I lift Your name on high, Lord, I love to sing Your praises. I'm so glad You're in my life; I'm so glad You came to save us. You came from heaven.
Thank you for your consideration of others who are already praying.
Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
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Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim thru this barren land;
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Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land;
Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land;
1 – Just A Closer Walk With Thee
Presentation transcript:

1 – Clay In the Potter’s Hand 1. O Lord, You know my strength indeed is small, Lest Thou should lead, I'm prone to slip and fall; Guide and direct, over evil help me stand, Make me as clay in the potter's hand. Words: Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Williams / Music: Clyde Williams Copyright © 1970 Bridge Building (BMI) All rights for the US administered by Bridge Building (BMI). Used by permission © 2005 The Paperless Hymnal™

1 – Clay In the Potter’s Hand © 2005 The Paperless Hymnal™

c – Clay In the Potter’s Hand Mold me, make me, as You'd have me be, Take me, use me, that the lost may see; Guard me, guide me, thru this pilgrim land, Make me as clay, in the potter's hand. © 2005 The Paperless Hymnal™

c – Clay In the Potter’s Hand © 2005 The Paperless Hymnal™

2 – Clay In the Potter’s Hand 2. Thou art the Potter, I am the clay, Make of my life as pleases Thee each day; Weave into beauty as You have it planned, Make me as clay in the potter's hand. Words: Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Williams / Music: Clyde Williams Copyright © 1970 Bridge Building (BMI) All rights for the US administered by Bridge Building (BMI). Used by permission © 2005 The Paperless Hymnal™

2 – Clay In the Potter’s Hand © 2005 The Paperless Hymnal™

c – Clay In the Potter’s Hand Mold me, make me, as You'd have me be, Take me, use me, that the lost may see; Guard me, guide me, thru this pilgrim land, Make me as clay, in the potter's hand. © 2005 The Paperless Hymnal™

c – Clay In the Potter’s Hand © 2005 The Paperless Hymnal™

3 – Clay In the Potter’s Hand 3. Father, we pray for power to be strong, Let not our lives be marred by sin and wrong; Lead to Thy throne, by love take full command, Make me as clay in the potter's hand. Words: Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Williams / Music: Clyde Williams Copyright © 1970 Bridge Building (BMI) All rights for the US administered by Bridge Building (BMI). Used by permission © 2005 The Paperless Hymnal™

3 – Clay In the Potter’s Hand © 2005 The Paperless Hymnal™

c – Clay In the Potter’s Hand Mold me, make me, as You'd have me be, Take me, use me, that the lost may see; Guard me, guide me, thru this pilgrim land, Make me as clay, in the potter's hand. © 2005 The Paperless Hymnal™

c – Clay In the Potter’s Hand © 2005 The Paperless Hymnal™