Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 41 Exploring Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 4 Advanced Features: Outlines, Tables, Styles, And Sections By Robert T. Grauer Maryann Barber
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 2 Objectives (1 of 2) Create bulleted or numbered list; create outline using a multilevel list Describe Outline view; explain how it facilitates moving text within a document Describe the tables feature; create a table and insert it into a document Explain how styles automate formatting and provide a consistent appearance to common document elements Use AutoFormat to apply styles to an existing document; create, modify, and apply a style to selected elements of a document
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 3 Objectives (2 of 2) Define section; explain how section formatting differs from character and paragraph formatting Create a header and/or footer; establish different headers or footers for the first, odd, or even pages in the same document Insert page numbers; use the Go To command to move to a specific page in a document Create an index and a table of contents
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 4 Overview (1 of 2) Using bullets and lists in your documents Advanced features useful for long documents How to emphasize important items How to create an outline
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 5 Overview (2 of 2) Introduce tables to arrange text, numbers, and graphics Apply borders and shading to a table Delete and insert rows or columns in a table Use styles for formatting Understand a character style and paragraph style Use Outline view
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 6 Bullets, Lists, and Outlines Format Menu: Bullets & Numbering command Bulleted Numbered Outline Numbered List Styles
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 7 Tables Tables feature Table menu Insert Table command Cells Insert Delete Borders and Shading
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 8 Styles (1 of 4) Format Menu AutoFormat Command
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 9 Styles (2 of 4) Format Menu Reveal Formatting
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 10 Modify Styles (3 of 4)
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 11 Create New Style (4 of 4) Format Menu Styles and Formatting command Choose New Style from task pane button
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 12 Outline View Outline Toolbar Outline View Button Expanded Collapsed
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 13 AutoFormat Command AutoFormat as you Type AutoFormat Replace
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 14 Working in Long Documents Page Numbers Headers & Footers Sections Table of Contents Creating an Index The Go To Command
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 15 Page Numbers Insert Menu Page Numbers Position Alignment Format button
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 16 Headers and Footers Header and Footer Command Switch Between Header and Footer
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 17 Sections Break Types Page break Column break Text wrapping break Section Types Next Page Continuous Even page Odd page
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 18 Index and Tables Insert Menu Index TOC TOF TOA
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 19 The Go To command Edit Menu + Go To command
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 20 Summary (1 of 2) Lists help organize information Outline extends a list to several levels Tables can format graphics, text, or numbers Borders and shading add to tables
Exploring Microsoft Office XP- Microsoft Word Chapter 4 21 Summary (2 of 2) Use styles for consistent formatting Condense document using Outline view Format a document automatically with AutoFormat Use a Table of Contents with long documents Use and Index with long documents Insert sections and page numbers