Forms occupy space in 3 dimensions. Height, width, & depth. A ceramic vessel is a form because it occupies real space.
Area above, below, around objects. Positive space: the object itself. Negative space: background or empty space.
Actual texture: feeling of an object (rough, smooth, etc.)
Simulated Texture: fake texture that is painted with glaze.
Seen by the way light reflects off a surface. Used to express emotion. Clay has natural color to it and color can be added by using glazes.
Ceramics: ◦ Objects made of clay fired very high in temperature for a chemical change to take place in the clay, usually over 1550 degrees F. Slip ◦ A fine, liquid form of clay applied to the surface of a vessel prior to firing. Slip fills in pores and gives uniform color. ◦ Used to glue two pieces of clay together.
Additive ◦ Process of adding clay to your vessel through hand building techniques, slip and score, etc. Subtractive ◦ Process of removing clay from vessel to create design qualities are function.