Slab Pottery With Linocut Designs
Use a ruler to cut your slabs
You MUST use “slip n score” method to attach pieces together
Slip n Score
Clay Clean Up Never put clumps of clay down the sink Extra hard clay you don’t want? place it in the “Dry clay waste” bin with the blue lid You don’t have to make new slip everyday. You can put your bowl by the sink To keep clay extremely moist, when storing it in your ziploc, you can cover your clay with a damp paper towel Always use newsprint/masonite board as a surface when working with clay (keep the desks clean :)
RUBRIC 1 Limited 2 Some 3 Mostly 4 Clearly and Consistently Thinking/Inquiry 50-59%60-69%70-79%80-100% Evidence of brainstorming and planning for final piece (sketches, small scale models, etc) Application / Communication Effectively applies slip and score, 1 finger’s width in depth, all sides relatively equal Applies effective linocut relief techniques to make interesting design/pattern Professionalism and impact of work (well made, clear connection to project)