RPF Task Group Feedback Skills Development TG 10 & 11 May 2006
Construction Materials Testing qualification (2-4) Workshop in March 2006 Workshop in March 2006 Purpose of workshop Purpose of workshop –Test the suitability of the generic qualification –Rank the complexity of test in the various streams and modify the range statements of the unit standards –Debate whether the mining industry can attach a stream to the generic qualification (dealing with minerals) –Debate the level 5/6 certificate of the Engineering SGB
Test Method Classification Academic Category Qualification Group Qualification Group –Group A (NQF 2) –Group B (NQF 3) –Group C (NQF 4) Rating Rating –1 – most simple –5 – most complicated Activity Category Agg – Aggregates Gra – Soils & Gravels Asp – Asphalt Bit – Bitumen Con – Concrete Cem - Cement Typical test method classificationA1Gra C5Bit
Prerequisites for qualifications QualificationPrerequisites NQF 2 Grade 10 (Maths & Science) NQF 3 Grade 10 & NQF 2 NQF 4 Grade 12 & NQF 3
Qualification Structure QualificationFundamentalsElectives NQF 2 General Science General Science Geology Geology Maths Maths Health & safety Health & safety Two of A5 Two of A5 Three of A3 & A4 Three of A3 & A4 Rest A1 or A2 Rest A1 or A2 NQF 3 General Science General Science Geology Geology Maths Maths Laboratory practices Laboratory practices Two of B5 Two of B5 Three of B3 & B4 Three of B3 & B4 Rest B1 or B2 Rest B1 or B2 NQF 4 As above As above Process control & quality assessment Process control & quality assessment Two of C5 Two of C5 Three of C3 & C4 Three of C3 & C4 Rest C1 or C2 Rest C1 or C2
Materials Testers Certificate SANRAL initiative in association with CPUT, AsAc/Sabita SANRAL initiative in association with CPUT, AsAc/Sabita –C&CI also on board Target NQF level 4 Target NQF level 4 –Learners with matric –Grades not high enough for UoT entrance –Bridging course to a possible diploma or higher qualification Pilot to be run by CPUT Pilot to be run by CPUT –CPUT - fundamental training (Maths, Science etc) –AsAc – Revised ATC modules –C&CI – Concrete & Cement testing modules Possible start in July 2006 Possible start in July 2006