Using FrontPage FrontPage is a great Web editing tool for people with limited knowledge and time for HTML coding. It’s similar to using Microsoft Word and it allows for two different editing modes, Normal and HTML view. As you are bolding text and inserting graphics in Normal view, FP is writing the HTML code for you.
Using FrontPage To help make your pages compatible in most browsers, change your FP settings by going to: Go to Tools-->Page Options, Select the Compatibility tab. Change the settings to this: Enable only commands supported by the following: Browsers: Internet Explorer and Navigator Browser Versions: 4.0 browsers and later Servers: Custom UNCHECK Enable with Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions.
Using FrontPage One problem with using FrontPage and Microsoft Word: –When copying text from a Word document, and pasting into FrontPage. Word carries over unnecessary HTML code and may cause problems with your Web page working in non-Microsoft brand browsers, like Netscape. Solutions: –When copying from Word to FrontPage, Right Click in the area you want to paste to, then in the pop up window, select Paste Special, then select Normal Paragraphs with Line Breaks. –Another option is to paste your text from Word into Notepad, then copy the text from there and paste into FrontPage. Notepad will strip out all the bad code and formatting.
Using FrontPage Exercise: Create a Web page using FrontPage. –Insert a graphic –Use different colors, bold, font faces –Save on backup web server (WWW2) –View in Web browser