How to Make a Power Point
How to Open Power Point Go to the bottom of the screen Click on START PROGRAMS MICROSOFT WORD PROGRAMS MICROSOFT OFFICE POWER POINT
Write Your Title Page Write your title in the first box Write your name in the second box
How to Save Your Work Go to FILE Click on SAVE AS Write in your group name Click on OK Do this after every slide!
Add Another Slide: Go up to the top of the page to INSERT Click on ADD NEW SLIDE Look to the left of your screen and click on the slide layout you like
You will need 3 Slides! How __________ and _________ are Alike Animal 1- How Different Animal 2- How Different
How Dogs and Rabbits Are Alike What are your ideas we should add it?
How Dogs and Rabbits are Different Dogs What are your ideas? Rabbits What are your ideas?
Do You Want to Add Color? Click on VIEW MASTER SLIDE MASTER Click on FORMAT SLIDE DESIGN Go to the right of the page and click on the design that you like
Want to Add a Picture? Sign onto the Internet Type in “” Click on IMAGES Type in the name of the ocean animal you are looking for a picture of When you find a picture you like, RIGHT CLICK on COPY IMAGE Go to your Power Point and RIGHT CLICK on PASTE
Practice Your Speech Do you know the main facts about your ocean animal? Are you loud enough for us to hear? Do you look up?