MENDELEY ON THE GO 15 Minutes to Signup, Setup and Then Get On With It Your Librarian: Kenneth Pfaff, ,
SIGNUP Go to to signup for a free personal account. Verify your account in your . Login to the account.
SETUP 1.Download Mendeley Desktop to your PC, then login on the DesktopDesktop 2.Download the Mendeley app from your mobile store (Apple now, Droid in June 2015)mobile store 3.Add the Mendeley Web Importer bookmarklet to your browser barWeb Importer 4.Install the Microsoft Word Citation plug-in from the Mendeley DesktopWord Citation
EVERY ARTICLE... Groups Massage Therapy Peer- Reviewed Journals Follow Group... from the two peer-reviewed journals for Massage Therapy are cataloged by the librarian in a Mendeley Open Group. Use the chart to the right to get to that group. Check out other groups too. All articles + more journals are searchable from the library’s website too at
“WHICH IS EASIER?” IS THE WRONG QUESTION Mendeley? Contained & Specific Only the IJTMB and JBMT journals are cataloged in the Open Group (and freely accessible on-campus) Other references may be $* Citation manager! Web Importer! * Switch to the library’s catalog Library’s Catalog? Broad Contains dozen of journals freely accessible on-campus More results from different sources Use Mendeley’s Web Importer when you find an article! Switch to Mendeley to highlight/annotate/collaborate
MENDELEY Connect with the Librarian in-person, by phone at or by at