Some substances are pure and others are mixtures. Pure substances have got only one component, but mixtures contain two or more components.
A pure subtance consists of only one component.It has got specific properties that we can describe gold water oxigen We can identify them by specific properties such as density or the boiling point.
Is a combination of two or more components.The properties depend on its components and how they are combined. Most things around us are mixtures of different substances.
Granite is a mixture of different minerals. Granite's a very hard stone. It's hard because it formed as hot liquid stone, and so the molecules inside it are all jumbled, instead of lying in layers as in sedimentary rocks like limestone or slate.
Sea water is a mixture of water,salt,magnesium and other substances. Water is made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Its chemical formula is H2O. Each molecule of water is made up of two hydrogen atoms The existence of water is essential for life on Earth. Water has three different states, liquid, solid and gas. Water covers around 70% of the Earth’s surface.
Air is a mixture o nitrogen,oxygen,carbon dioxide and other gases.Water covers the Earth in a layer over 400 miles high. This layer is called the atmosphere. It contains 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and smaller amounts of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and others.
We can see the separate components of a heterogeneous mixture. We can easily see the individual pieces of fruit in a salad.
We can´t see the components separately. A juice is a type of homogeneous mixture.
What is a mixture? A mixture is a combination of two or more components. What is a pure subtance? A pure subtance is only one component that we can describe. Say two examples of mixtures. For example tea or juice. Say two examples of pures subtances. For example gold and water.
Game pure subtances and mixtures Game pure subtances and mixtures Quiz of pure subtasnces and mixtures Quiz of pure subtasnces and mixtures Quiz of mixtures Quiz of mixtures
Pure subtances mixtures