Social Applications Notion: digitizing real world connections. Emerging trends in social networking sites is the concept of : real-time web location based
1. Twitter Set the trend for web services enabling user to broadcast : What they are doing? Where they are? What is on their mind? known as tweets
2. Facebook Live Feed activities are streamed as soon as it happens Facebook Credits virtual currency you can use to buy gifts, and virtual goods in many games and applications on the Facebook platform Facebook Marketplace allows users to post free classified ads within the defined categories: For Sale, Housing, Jobs, and Other.
3. Orkut Logging Visitors: When a user logs in, they see the people in their friends list in the order of their logging in to the site. Fan each member can become a fan of any of the friends in their list Friend Evaluation evaluate whether their friend is "Trustworthy", "Cool
4. MySpace Enables a user to share : Mood Profiles contain two standard blurbs: About Me Who I'd Like to Meet Photo Editor powered by FotoFlexer is available which can not only crop images and adjust contrast but also convert the image to a cartoon or a line drawing made with neon lights etc MySpaceNews which displays news from RSS feeds that users submit Many sites had partnered with Myspace such as Hulu to promote their media to the Myspace community
5. Second Life Virtual world where people can interact with other people through avatars Virtual workplaces can be created to allow employees to virtually meet, hold events conduct training sessions etc National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has a virtual island on Second Life where people can explore underground caves or explore the effects of global warming.
6. Scribd Putting the documents online Read, print, download, and send them to your mobile devices instantly. Upload PDF, Word, and PowerPoint documents Easily turn any file such as PDF, Word and PowerPoint into a web document Scribd users have shared millions of free and for- purchase documents and books ranging from vampire fan fiction to research reports and business presentations.
7. TeachStreet Web site providing information to students on local and online classes and teachers including pricing information, location, and teacher background and training. It also provides online business management tools for teachers and schools. The site is free to students and includes student reviews and teacher recommendations. These sites also have content sharing and rating features.
8. PatientsLikeMe Health site that enables its members to share treatment and symptom information Help its members with various physical and mental ailments. Offers the chance to connect with others dealing with similar issues and research patient data related to their condition.