Written by Tóth Enikő
Last summer I and my family travelled to Egypt for a week. We travelled there in July so the weather was very hot in Egypt. So we took lots of light clothes like shorts, tops, T-shirts, drasses and bathing costumes. I did the packing for myself. We trvelled by plane. We had a direct flight to Hurghada. We went to Budapest because the plane took off in Ferihegy. We must check in at the airport 3 hours before the flight. At the check in table they checked our passports, our suitcases we got the boarding pass there. We had to go through the customs and a person checked our passport again and he checked us. We had to wait a lot in the departure louge but we weren’t bored because there are lots of good duty free shops, restorants, pubs there. So we spent the time with window shopping. About half an hour before the flight we could board the plane. We looked for our seats. Unfortunately we had only one window seat and my sister sat there and I had to sit an aisle seat. I didn’t like it because I love enjoying the view. We put our bags into the overhead lockers. There were cards, dvds, mobile phones and there was a pocket of crisps, Panni’s bear and my MP4 player in these bags. We mustn’t take any bottle of drinks, parfume to the plane because it’s a safety rule. Before taking off we had to liten to the safety instruction and we had to fasten our seatbelts.
After taking off the pilot welomed us, we got some drinks on the flight attendant and we got a dish at the half of the flight. I was listening to music on my MP4 player all the flight which lasted about 3 hours. After landing a shattle bus took us at the airport. We stayed in the arrivals and we had to wait for our beggage. After it we went to the hotel. The hotel was wonderful. It had four restorants( two of them were inside the main building, one of them was near the main building and the forth one was on the beach), four bars(two of them were in the main building and two near the pools) and three pools. There was a Manó club where young children could play.The garden was beautyful and the hotel had an own beach. It was a big area (where the hotel was). It had lots of buildings, which was far from the main building. The room was terrible. We had two rooms. The first one was clean but it over looked at the building. The second one was clean and over looked at the building and a little bit at the pool and the beach. ( Peple who worked there didn’t like Hungarian people because we don’t give them much tip. But they loved German peple. And they got new, good, beautiful rooms but The Hungarians got bad ones.) We got to know a young couple, their names were Hajni and Gábor, they were very friendly, we went everywhere together. We walked, did shopping and window shopping every night.We bargained a lot.
A night we would like to go the shop where we couldn’t bargain but it wasn’t close so we travelled by taxi but it took us an other shop in the city centre and the driver went away. We didn’t know where we were and we started walking. But we stay. We called an other taxi and it took us the right place so this night we payed a lot to the taxi drivers. I went for a day trip to Cairo with my father, Gabor and Hajni. We looked at the piramides, the Papirus Museum, where we saw lots of diffrent papiruses and we could order papiruses ourselves and we could took them home and the Cairo Museum, where we saw lots of coffins of famous pharaoh, stature, ancient clothes and other stuff.Ungortunately we couldn’t took photoes They were very intrersting. We had lunch in Cairo near a „river”, we called it „Yangce-river” because it was dirty and full of rubbis. One person made tea with the water of this river. Phuj! Our group laiders were a Hungarian peson and an Egyptian one, he looked like Fekete Pákó. An other day we went for an other day trip. We went boating to the Red sea. We looked at two areas, where there were coralls and we could scuba diving and we could see dolphines. Our group leader was an Egyiptian person who called Panna to „Panda”. Nobody could say my name. It was an interesting holiday.
Cairo Museum
Egyptian airport I hope, you enjoyed the project about my holiday.