Reception Reading Meeting
We aim to cover: Reading Parental involvement Phonics
Reading As parents or carers you are your child’s most influential teacher with an incredibly important role to play in helping your child to read.
Reading Influence your child to take an interest. Let your child see you read books, magazines, they will want to do what you are doing they love to copy grown ups. Choose a quiet time everyday to read a story, always read with enthusiasm and use lots of expression. Join the library and talk about the books they choose. Offer your children choice, magazines, poems, books, information books, rhymes, fairytales. Bedtime stories.
Reading Games Look at letters and mail - talk about the address, sort by name. Send a letter to your child and read it together. Send postcards and talk about them. Print hunt – encourage you child to recognise signs and labels, cars, registrations etc. I Spy – Links sounds to real life objects. What does it begin with? Use magnetic letters on the fridge or sponge letters in the bath e.g what does hat begin with? Make letter cards together. Odd One Out – collect items which begin with S and one which is T. Ask you child to spot the odd one out. Cooking – Follow a recipe, use icing to write letters or names. Make labels together and match them to items around the home.
Reading in School
Our aim is to help children to develop a love of reading. We want to help them develop confidence, enthusiasm and enjoyment for reading. The children will then become able independent readers. A love of Reading
Reading in school Children are taught reading skills through literacy lessons, comprehension activities and weekly Guided Reading sessions.
Guided reading involves a teacher working with a small group of children who demonstrate similar reading behaviors and can all read similar levels of texts. The texts used in guided reading are easy enough for the children to read with skillful support. The text offers challenges and opportunities for problem solving, but is easy enough for children to read with some fluency. The children are able to engage in meaningful conversations about what they are reading. And then revisit the text to demonstrate and use a range of comprehension strategies.
Oxford Reading Tree
Stage 1 – Picture books Knowing how books work Introducing the main characters. Enabling children to make the link between stories and pictures. Encouraging children to talk about themselves and their experiences, in relation to the stories. Developing an awareness of letters, sounds, and rhyme
Stage 1 – Picture books Who? What? Where?When? Why? How?
Reading What to talk about? It is just as important that a child understands what is happening in the story as the importance of reading itself. Emotions and feelings of characters The weather and clothing worn by characters Likes and dislikes and personal choice of reading materials Predict what might happen next. Their experiences, past, present and future events. Who are the characters? (names, description, place in the family and where they live) Where does the story take place?
Reading in school and at home When your child receives a book they will be heard individually read. Initially your child will be heard individually read twice a week, building up to three times a week when your child becomes more confident with their reading. Your child will also be given a set of sounds/keywords alongside their reading book to learn at home. Please try and aim to read with your child every day to encourage enjoyment in reading. Please make a note in your child’s reading diary. This should be brought into school every day with your child’s reading book. Children move progressively through the reading scheme. Not all children develop at the same time or pace. Class readers to share every weekend
Remember Encourage reading for pleasure. Make it fun and enjoyable. Use lots of praise. Don’t rush it! Let the children develop at their own pace.
How do we teach reading? PHONICS
What can you do at home? Phonics Phonics is the understanding of how letters combine to make words. We teach by slowly creating a working knowledge of the letter sounds. Although there are 26 letters in the English alphabet, there are more than 40 speech sounds. Each sound is taught through actions, songs and games which encourages children to participate through actions and sounds.
Phonics 2. Cursive Letter formation Children will begin to learn how to use and hold their pencil correctly. Above all our aim is to encourage a desire to write As children develop through the phonics phases they practise writing the letters and sounds. It is important that children are then encouraged and supported to apply their phonic knowledge in their reading and writing.
Phonics 3. Identify sounds in words To help children spell words they must first listen to the sounds and segment sounds e.g c-a-t
Phonics 4. Blending Blending is the process of saying individual sounds and then running them together to make words. To begin with children will sound out words individually and then say them more quickly to hear the word, this process varies with every child. We often use games to help children hear sounds blended together. Words that we cannot blend such as said we call tricky words and must be learned by sight.
Homework Reading- daily Phonics- every Friday Holiday challenges Each half term.
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