Stock Comparison Guide NAIC Classic NAIC recommended to teach you, step-by-step, the NAIC way
Stock Comparison Guide
zKeys to comparing: yCompare companies in the same industry yUse current SSGs in the comparison yReview the computer’s selections for ‘best’ yMake your own judgments
SCG - Load Companies zGo File/New/SCG zClick Industry header to sort database list zSelect up to 5 companies for comparison
SCG - Compare Companies zNote score for ‘bests’ zReview each line item zClick cell to change highlighting zScroll to see all data zRevisit ‘bests’ score after judgment
SCG - What to Look For? zChoose company that meets your investing objectives: yGrowth? More or less risk? y(Over time) a diverse and balanced portfolio zData comes from your SSGs and depends upon your judgment
yGrowth: past and future yManagement: 5-year averages yPrice: value items / some provide context for current values yOther: variety of informational items yOptional: choose from list or set own SCG - What to Look For?
SCG - Growth zPast and future zHigher growth is normally better zGrowth should fit your goals
SCG - Management zMeasures quality of management z% profit margin before taxes z% earned on equity z% owned by management (data missing)
SCG - Price zValue assessments zNot all lines need be highlighted ye.g. price ranges, P/E ratios, price zones zRight-click on row for What’s This? help
SCG - Other zCharacteristics: growth, quality, value, & safety zSome cells are informational / not judgment items zLines 27 & 28 are optional choices
SCG - Save Comparisons zGo File/Save/SCG zAll data & judgments will be saved zRetrieving original SCG will display original studies zRight-click SCG to refresh data from updated studies
From Company to SCG zFile /New or Open/Stock Comparison Guide zFile/select from last 5 items saved zFrom open company: yView/SCG menu item yMain Page Prompt window/ Comparison Guide
SCG - Summary zSelect up to 5 companies zApply judgment to computer-selected ‘bests’ zConclude which company has the most ‘bests’ and meets your goals zSave zUse Help features for assistance
Created by STB Investor Software Inc. NAIC Classic NAIC recommended to teach you, step-by-step, the NAIC way