The Sixth Commandment Catechism Questions 90-98
What do the picture and the movie rating tell you about this film?
How does God want us to keep his gifts of sex and marriage pure?
How do some married people people ruin God’s gift of marriage? Colossians 3:19 Proverbs 21:19 Hebrews 13:4 Matthew 19:9 1 Corinthians 7:15 Some people sin against God’s gift of marriage by ruining their companionship, being sexually unfaithful, or getting an unscriptural divorce.
How do both married or unmarried sin against God’s gift of sex? 1 Corinthians 7:9 Matthew 5:27-28 Ephesians 5:3-4,12 Romans 1:26-27 Married and unmarried people sin against God’s gift of sex by pre-marital sex, impure thoughts or words, or by homosexuality or lesbianism.
How does God want me to keep his gift of sex and marriage pure? 1 Timothy 5:22 / 2 Timothy 2:22, 1 Corinthians 6:18; 15:33 Proverbs 1:10 Psalm 51:10 / Philippians 4:8 Ephesians 5:33 God wants me to be pure in thought, word and action.
God’s Word and My Life Evaluate. Jeannie said, "The best gift I can give to my husband on my wedding night is my virginity." Agree or disagree. Flirting is harmless. Evaluate. Melissa said, "I'll dress any way I want to. If guys gawk and lust after me, it's their own fault."
The 6 th Commandment protects… God’s gift of marriage
We shouldn’t be here. Take me home right now. Flee Temptation! Sixth Commandment To-Do List
Pure in Thought, Word and Action! Sixth Commandment To-Do List
Honor and Love Marriage Partner Sixth Commandment To-Do List
Destroy companionship Sixth Commandment Don’t-Do List You old battle axe.
Unfaithfulness Sixth Commandment Don’t-Do List I hope my wife doesn’t show up here. I hope my husband doesn’t show up here.
Premarital Sex Sixth Commandment Don’t-Do List Why should we wait till marriage and miss out on all the fun?
Impure thoughts or words Sixth Commandment Don’t-Do List
Homosexuality or Lesbianism Sixth Commandment Don’t-Do List Being gay is just a different lifestyle. It’s the way God made me.
How does God want us to keep his gifts of sex and marriage pure? God wants me to keep his gifts of sex and marriage pure by thinking, saying, and doing only those things that are pure, whether I am married or unmarried.