SOUTHmed Information Network An Outreach Program of the University of South Alabama Biomedical Library Judy Burnham
Marketing Plan Mission Statement Target Market Market Segments Goals and Objectives Fee Chart Promotion Activities
press release to media in target areas mailing list developed form letter to all hospitals brochure web page SOUTHmed benefits forms for ILL and search requests newsletter
letter to hospitals based on JCAHO dates letter with articles on importance of medical information exhibited at USA Biomedical Library InfoFair presentations at professional meetings invited area hospital librarians to attend classes/teleconferences at USA exhibited at professional meetings
Contract SOUTHmed circulation card
Lessons Learned Important to have a contact person at each site Don’t try to replace existing librarians, just supplement their collection Renewal time frame ILL requests are a good source of potential members License agreements Follow-up is important If funding is available, provide computer equipment
Future Plans Evaluation Success stories Consumer health resources???
Measuring the Difference Conduct community assessment Develop goals and objectives Plan activities and strategies Plan evaluation Gather data and assessing results Utilize and report results