The Grinch
YouTube Clip _V5h12RHw _V5h12RHw While watching the clip write down: -5 adjectives -3 new words -1 thing you liked/disliked
Scrooge m/watch?v=KBthi_An5q Q m/watch?v=KBthi_An5q Q When watching the clip First impression of scrooge -Is he different to the Grinch?
Poem In your groups: 1.Brainstorm ideas for the poem 2.Create a main character mwQ 3. Write poem
Homework Discuss is the Grinch and scrooge write about Christmas? 3 paragraphs. USE PQE Example P – Scrooge was write about Christmas. Q- In the clip he is described as being mean and that he hates Christmas. E – I think he was right because Christmas is a waste of money and a work day. I prefer Halloween because I love dressing up and getting sweets.