Working safely By tom squire
Keeping secrets Never tell anybody you password for you website as they could take information or mess up your website. Never tell anybody your personal data such as passwords or credit card numbers etc. Don’t go on site what people have told you to go on unless you know them.
Keeping clean Always put protection on your laptop or computer such as Norton
KEEPING TRACK Always put documents where they should go or you may forget where they are and if there very important you’ll have to do it again or fine it witch will take some time ALWAYS SET STRIGHT OR YOU MIGHT GET BACK ACHE
Health and safety THINGS NOT TO DO You shouldn’t look at a computer screen for to long because you will strain your eyes so you should have a break from the computer for a while for about 30 minutes after about every 2 hours. If you are working on a computer at night you should turn on some lights and turn the brightness setting down a bit so your eyes don’t strain.