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STARTER Access Mobile App development (under Computing > Year 9) Read through the ‘sample review’ and answer the challenge questions.
OBJECTIVE Be able to demonstrate research about existing mobile applications and use this develop my own ideas
ACTIVITY 1 Review an existing app using the instructions on Moodle. 20 minutes to complete 1 full review. You are aiming to work at L6: “You can develop and evaluate existing work to enhance its quality. You can explain and justify your own review comments.” Objective: Be able to demonstrate research about existing mobile applications and use this develop my own ideas
ACTIVITY 1 Review an existing app using the instructions on Moodle. Silver challenge is for those who want a L6+ 20 minutes to work on 1 full review. You are aiming to work at L6: “You can develop and evaluate existing work to enhance its quality. You can explain and justify your own review comments.” Objective: Be able to demonstrate research about existing mobile applications and use this develop my own ideas
MINI-PLENARY Check your own progress. Think about the starter. WWW? EBI? Objective: Be able to demonstrate research about existing mobile applications and use this develop my own ideas
ACTIVITY 2 Review an existing app using the instructions on Moodle. 20 minutes to complete your 1st full review. L6: Evaluate, Enhance, Explain + Justify comments Objective: Be able to demonstrate research about existing mobile applications and use this develop my own ideas
PLENARY Essential: Upload your review work to Moodle. Look at the plenary questions on Moodle – share your ideas with the person next to you. What app might you design? Objective: Be able to demonstrate research about existing mobile applications and use this develop my own ideas