Semi-Differential Invariants for Recognition of Algebraic Curves Yan-Bin Jia and Rinat Ibrayev Department of Computer Science Iowa State University Ames, IA July 13, 2004
Object Model-Based Tactile Recognition Tactile data ♦ contact (x, y) Determine ♦ Shape ♦ Location of contact t on the object Identify curve family Estimate shape parameters estimate curvature and derivative w.r.t. arc length s Models: families of parametric shapes Each model :
Related Work Shape Recognition through Touch Grimson & Lozano-Perez 1984; Fearing 1990; Allen & Michelman 1990; Moll & Erdmann 2002; etc. Differential & Semi-differenitial Invariants Padjla & Van Gool 1992; Rivlin & Weiss 1995; Moons et al. 1995; Calabi et al. 1998; Keren et al. 2000; etc. Vision & Algebraic Invariants Hilbert; Kriegman & Ponce 1990; Forsyth et al. 1991; Mundy & Zisserman 1992; Weiss 1993; Keren 1994; Civi et al. 2003; etc.
Signature Curve ♦ Used in model-based recognition Requiring global data ♦ Independent of rotation and translation What if just a few data points? Plot curvature against its derivative along the curve: signature curve cubical parabola:
Eliminate t from and ♦ How to derive? Differential Invariants ♦ Expressions of curvature and derivatives ( w.r.t. arc length ) Computed from local geometry Small amount of tactile data invariant Independent of position, orientation, and parameterization Well, ideally so … constant Independent of point location on the shape curvaturederivative
Parabola rot, trans, and reparam. Only 1 parameter instead of 6 Shape remains the same Invariant: evaluated at one point signature curve shape classification
Semi-Differential Invariants ♦ Differential invariants use one point. n shape parameters n independent diff. invariants. up to n+2 th derivatives Numerically unstable! ♦ Semi-differential invariants involve n points. n curvatures + n 1 st derivs
Quadratics: Ellipse ♦ Two points involved ♦ Two independent invariants required shape classifiers
Quadratics: Hyperbola ♦ Invariants same as for ellipse ♦ Different value expressions in terms of a, b ♦ distinguishes ellipses (+), hyperbolas (-), parabolas (0)
Cubics ♦ Eliminate parameter t directly? High degree resultant polynomial in shape parameters Computationally very expensive ♦ Reparameterize with slope Lower the resultant degree Two slopes related to change of tangential angle (measurable) Slope depends on rotation Invariants in terms of
Invariants for Cubics cubical parabolasemi-cubical parabola
Simulations ParabolaEllipseHyperbolaCub. parSemi-cub. real min max mean ♦ Testing invariants (curvature & deriv. est. by finite differences) ♦ Shape recovery Average error on shape parameter estimation ParabolaEllipseHyperbolaCub. Par.Semi-cub. 0.36%0.40%1.15%0.83%1.23% Summary over 100 different tests on randomly generated points for each curve Summary over 100 different shapes for each curve family
Simulations (cont’d) invariant data coniccubical parabola semi-cub. parabola conic (ellipse) (min) (max) (mean) 2.53 (stdev) cubical parabola semi-cub. parabola Each cell displays the summary over 100 values Data from one curve inapplicable for an invariant for a different class.
Recognition Tree Tactile data Parabola Sign EllipseHyperbola a a, b yes no yesno >0< 0 Cubical Parabola Semi-Cubical Parabola a, b no yes Cubic Spline ? …
♦ Solve for t after recognition. Locating Contact ♦ Parameter value t determines the contact. parabola:
Numerical Curvature Estimation ♦ Noisy tactile data Curvature – inverse of radius of osculating circle Derivative of curvature – finite difference ellipse signature curve 1 1 (cm) (1/cm) 2 ♦ A tentative approach courtesy of Liangchuan Mi for supplying raw data large errors!
Curvature Estimation – Local Fitting ♦ Curvature estimation fit a quadratic curve to a few local data points differentiate the curve fit (1) ♦ Curvature derivative estimation generate multiple (s, ) pairs in the neighborhood fit and differentiate again numerically estimate arc length s using curve fit (1)
Experiments ab real min max mean Summary over 80 different values for the ellipse ellipse signature curve (cm) (1/cm) 2
Experiments (cont’d) cubic spline signature curve but unstable invariant computation … Seemingly good curvature & derivative estimates,
Summary & Future Work ♦ Differential invariants for quadratic curves & certain cubic curves Improvement on robustness to sensor noise Invariant to point locations on a shape (not just to transformation) Discrimination of families of parametric curves Unifying shape recognition, recovery, and localization Numerical estimation of curvature and derivative Invariant design for more general shape classes (3D) Computable from local tactile data