What is it? And what makes it work?
Our Earth Not a solid ball of rock Composed of distinct layers Three main layers based on composition: Crust Mantle Core The lightest materials make up the outer layers. The densest materials make up the inner layers.
Outermost layer of the Earth. Two types of crust Continental Less dense than oceanic crust. Contains the Earth’s continents. Oceanic Found primarily under the ocean. Most dense type of crust.
Layer between the crust and the core. Flows very slowly.
The innermost part of the earth. Very dense. Composed of iron and nickel. About the size of the planet Mars.
Outermost rigid layer. Made of 2 parts: the crust and rigid upper part of the mantle. Divided into pieces called tectonic plates.
There are approximately 30 plates on the Earth’s surface. The plates move on a layer of rock that is so hot it flows, even though it remains solid. The plates are moving at speeds up to 10 cm per year.
The force responsible for plate movement.
Divergent Boundary – move _____ Convergent Boundary – move _____________ Transform Fault Boundary – move ___________________ apart together (collide) sideways past each other
Places where two plates move apart or diverge. Divergent boundaries of two continental plates creates a ________. Example: Great Rift Valley of Africa Divergent boundaries of two oceanic plates creates a _____. Example: Mid-Atlantic Ridge rift valley ridge (sea-floor spreading)
Places where two plates come together, or converge. Convergent boundaries of two continental plates creates _________. Example: Himalaya Mountains Convergent boundaries between a continental plate and an oceanic plate forms a __________________ and a ______. This process is called ___________. Example: Coast of Chile mountains trench subduction volcanic mountain range
Convergent boundaries of two oceanic plates creates ________ and a _____. Example: Islands of Japan island arc trench
Places where two plates slip past each other, moving in opposite directions. Example: San Andreas Fault in California
Places where plates move apart are called ________ boundaries. When continental plates diverge a ________ is formed. When two oceanic plates converge a ___________________ is formed. The force moving the plates is _________. ________ is the process where a denser ______ plate slides under a ________ plate. divergent rift valley an island arc and a trench convection Subduction ocean continent