Station 1: Scientific Method Steps Open up the Symbaloo site and watch the Scientific Method video. There are two, but one has the lyrics and the other has pictures with no lyrics. Choose the video that best suits your learning style (words or pictures). From the video, write down the 6 steps of the scientific method (if you pick the video with just the pictures, don’t worry…they repeat the steps MANY times ). Log into your account (there is an icon on the Symbaloo page too) and watch the video that has been assigned to you. As you watch the video, add information from the video to your outline. Note that these steps are not the same as the previous video. That’s okay! Match the steps that they do go over with the ones you have already written down. You will need to answer questions throughout the video. I’ll be giving you participation points based on your effort on your answer. Be sure that your answer is not copied from someone in your pod or you won’t get credit! Re-watch any videos or review any Scientific Method games on Symbaloo until time is up!
Station 2: Importance of the Scientific Method On the Symbaloo page, open the “Scientific Method Article” and read through it-it is not very long. Then, fill in parts B and C of your outline. If you get done with extra time left over, you may play Memory with pod members. Let Mrs. Cerra know who wins (only one winner, so if there is a tie, you have to come up with a way to break the tie).
Station 3: Experimental Design On the Symbaloo site, click on the Experimental Design 1 and 2 buttons. Read through the articles and write down the definitions of terms on your outline. Note that “qualitative and quantitative data” is NOT in the articles-we’ll go over these later as a class. After you are done, launch the Experimental Design Quiz tile and practice identifying the independent and dependent variables by going through the flashcards and review games. When you feel that you are confident, take the test and write your score down on the outline. If you get done, challenge yourself and take the Experimental Design Quiz Advanced version.
Station 4: Scientific Measurements On the Symbaloo, open the “Units of Measurement 1”. Write the terms down on your outline and add any information that may help you study for future quizzes and tests. Study these terms (use the flashcards, play the scatter game, whatever will help). When you feel that you understand the terms well, take the test and write your score on the outline. Do the same for “Units of Measurement 2”. For a challenge, see how well you do on “Units of Measurement 3”. Still need something to do? Choose the scatter game on set 1 or 2 and play with a member of your pod.
Station 5: Labware On the Symbaloo page, choose the Lab Equipment Images button. Practice on any of the modes (flashcards, space race, scatter, etc.) until you feel confident can match the terms and photos well. Then take the test and write your score on the outline. Go back to the Symbaloo page and choose the Lab Equipment Definitions button. Practice on any of the modes (flashcards, space race, scatter, etc.) until you feel confident that you know the terms and definitions well. Then, take the test and write your score on the outline.