Creativity and the Arts AD:UK Conference 2013 Carys Wynne Rheolwr Portffolio Portfolio Manager
The task and where we are at To produce and share the policy that will explain and guide our vision for the development of the arts from 2013 to The Sgwrs question: What sort of creative Wales do we want by 2020 and how do we get there ?
Sgwrs Gelfyddydol: 10 challenges
Sgwrs Gelfyddydol: the 10 challenges Arts and Well Being - Experiencing and doing the arts are part of Welsh society’s future vitality. We must promote confidently the importance of the arts in health and more generally in our quality of life.
Sgwrs Gelfyddydol: the 10 challenges The individual artist - this feels key: nurturing, fostering and retaining artists with ambition for their art and for art’s role. Our strategy has to show we understand how to create the environment within which individual creativity and talent can thrive and extend its reach.
Sgwrs Gelfyddydol: the 10 challenges Equality, inclusion and participation - we must reach further, and think more imaginatively, about how we ensure that all those who want to enjoy and take part in the arts are able to do so. We must truly embrace the dynamic of diversity and cease to see it as merely a compliance matter.
Sgwrs Gelfyddydol: the 10 challenges Resilience and Sustainability - the future of the arts depends on our ability to develop business models that are robust and make best and most responsible use of available resources. But this is also about putting in the foreground ways of working that herald new economic models in the context of a sustainable planet.
Sgwrs Gelfyddydol: the 10 challenges Arts and Young People – unlocking the creative potential of our young people is key to future prosperity and civic engagement.
Sgwrs Gelfyddydol: the 10 challenges Defining a truly Welsh Culture of the 21 st Century – we need to understand better what makes us distinctive and special, from our languages to our culture and bring this out. Creativity and the Arts has to have Wales running through it as proverbially words in a stick of rock.
Sgwrs Gelfyddydol: the 10 challenges Internationalism – the future of arts in Wales depends on our artists and arts organisations taking a rightful and earned position on the world stage and finding new markets.
Sgwrs Gelfyddydol: the 10 challenges Local government – our most essential partners in the arts are facing unprecedented financial pressures. We must help them to protect and defend their investment in creative activity.
Sgwrs Gelfyddydol: the 10 challenges Networking – we need to join the dots and create more opportunities for those working in the arts to meet, exchange information and work together... virtually and in real time.
Sgwrs Gelfyddydol: the 10 challenges Advocacy – we must develop new approaches here understand and reappraise how we do advocacy and convey clear, convincing arguments which advance the arts and the value of public investment in the arts.
Conference 2012 / Sgwrs 2013
Creativity and the Arts “Strategy”: some definitions… Plan, Policy, Approach, Tactic, Stratagem, Scheme, line of Attack Our emphasis in Creativity and the Arts would be on APPROACH
Creu / Cyrraedd / Cynnal Make / Reach / Sustain
Make……Putting a premium on our support to artists…investing in “artistic capital” Make…Creating opportunities to get to market or open out new possibilities for work Make…Links to Higher Education Make…How to incubate Make…Networking and joining up
Make/ Reach / Sustain Reach….The Arts in education : Literacy, Numeracy and Creativity! Reach….The Equalities Agenda Reach…Digital Reach… Our RFOs and others…Partnerships…BBC, S4C, Cadw, National Trust, Welsh Water Reach ….Nationals and their remit.
Make / Reach / Sustain Sustain….New resilient models for arts councils, arts organisations, companies, venues….we are on a Mission! Emergence Sustain… Local Authorities’ work in the arts Sustain…Lottery programmes e.g. Music Industry Development, Digital, R&D leading to Production support, Rollout of Ideas people Places … and also Well Being
Key milestones May 2013 Publicise outcome of Sgwrs and Council’s response June 2013 Project Group Work Agree topics for discussion Agree schedule of meetings June-October2013 Hold focus group meetings October - November Prepare first draft of Creativity and the Arts December 2013 Council agrees draft for consultation December-January 2014 Consultation February 2014 Council finalises and publishes Creativity and the Arts
Diolch / Thank you