The Review of the West Midlands Economic Strategy: Consultation on policy choices Jon Payne Partnerships Team Leader – Rural West 10 th January 2007
Content of this presentation Overview of the WMES review process Progress to date The policy choices consultation Next steps
Phase 1: Build Evidence Base Phase 2: Develop Policy Choices Phase 3: Consult on Policy Choices March to August 2006 August to October 2006 November to February 2007 Phase 4: Draft new WMES February to April 2007 Phase 5: Consult on draft new WMES May to July 2007 Phase 6: Finalise WMES September 2007 Developing the WMES 2007
WMES review process Sustainability appraisal Strategic environmental assessment Future proofing Rural proofing Equality and diversity Link with revision of the Regional Spatial Strategy
Progress to date Phase 1: Build the evidence base– Complete Phase 2: Develop policy choices – Complete Now in Phase 3: Consult on policy choices
Key findings from the evidence base Low productivity is the main cause of the ‘output gap’ Poor performance on skills Enterprise performance is around the UK average Major variations in sub-regional performance Changing geography of economic activity Future challenges
The policy choices consultation ‘WMES Review : Consultation on policy choices’ published on the WMES review web site, plus 2 supporting documents Now beginning a series of consultation events/discussions across the region ‘Policy choices’ provide a structure for these discussions Focus on the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ as opposed to the ‘who’ and the ‘how’
The policy choices - Themes Enterprise Innovation Skills Economic activity Quality of life Infrastructure The role of places The role of sectors Broader issues
Next steps Today’s discussion Please also respond on-line (or in writing) Deadline 28 th February 2007, but early responses encouraged Responses will feed into the production of the full draft strategy