Meteo 003: Lab 5 Chapter 6: 13, 18abc Chapter 7: 1abc, 2bc, 8abc, 10ab Chapter 8: 6ab
6.13pg. 252 PGF is greater in WV/PA than in New England What force slows down wind? What properties can cause differences in this force? Consider the difference in surfaces in which the wind is blowing over
6.18abcpg. 256 a) -Pressure increases the deeper you go down in an ocean -How does this affect the boiling point? b) -Same concept as part a -What advantage does this offer for cooking? c) -Pressure is lower at higher altitudes
7.1abcpg. 291 a) -Pressure decreases with altitude -Which pressure surface should have the highest heights? The lowest? b) -Use the isopleths to estimate (interpolate) heights at each city c) -Geostrophic winds are parallel to the isobars with lower heights to the left of the wind direction -How does the spacing of isobars relate to wind speed?
7.1 Example Find wind direction at each location Which location would have the greater wind speed?
7.2bcpg. 292 b) -Which pressure level is closer to the ground: 850 mb or 925 mb? -How does wind direction and speed change the higher you go in the atmosphere? Why? Think about one force in particular! c) -Which way does wind flow around high and low pressure systems?
7.8abcpg. 299 a) -Follow same guidelines for isoplething b) -Find the jet stream first, isotachs should help Jet Streak: core of relatively fast winds embedded in the jet stream c) -A stronger north-south temperature gradient equals a stronger jet stream -In which season is this temperature gradient stronger? -Reference pages
7.10abpg. 300 a) -Mark the centers of closed contours -Identify Paris and Moscow -Winds at the 250 mb level, friction? b) -Use the wind direction from part (a) -Aircraft speed affected by winds: Example: If plane files 500mph directly into a 100mph wind (blowing the opposite direction of plane motion) air speed = 500 – 100 = 400mph
8.6abpg. 349 a) -Graph on Excel or neatly on paper, remember title, axes, and units -Elevation is placed on the y-axis -What is the name of a layer where temperature increases with altitude? b) -Use dry adiabatic lapse rate of 10 C/ km -Interpolate environmental temperature -What will the parcel do if it is in “equilibrium” (no other forces acting upon it) and it is warmer than the environment? Colder?
8.6 Example Elevation above Sea Level (m)Temperature ( C) State College, PA is at an elevation of 370 m above sea level If the parcel is lifted 400 m, what will the temperature of the parcel be? What do you need to know to correctly calculate a parcel’s final temperature? What is the temperature of the environment at this level? Will the parcel continue to rise or will it sink?
Chapter 6: 13, 18abc Chapter 7: 1abc, 2bc, 8abc, 10ab Chapter 8: 6ab Astrid AM in 511 Walker Josh 2-3 PM in 6 th Floor Walker Wx Center Zach 4-5 PM in 6 th Floor Walker Wx Center