Classroom Procedures
Class Rules Listen when someone is talking. Follow directions quickly. Raise your hand to speak. Be a caring friend. Always do your best work.
Morning Procedures. 1.Put backpack on hook. 2.Put folder in tub. 3.Check in on the Calendar Rekenrek. 4.Start your morning work.
Announcements Listen to the announcements Voices are off Work on morning work
Community Circle Sit criss-cross applesauce Use Active Listening Raise hand to speak Raise your hand quietly Think time When someone is called on, put your hand down and be a listener
Snack Time Procedures Get your snack out Return to your seat and eat your snack Touch only your snack Throw garbage away when the story is finished.
Independent Work Procedures Work quietly Work alone Raise your hand to ask questions Read, write, think or draw when finished Put incomplete work into green basket, unless Ms. Harris says otherwise.
Group Work Procedures G et along R espect Each Other O n task U se quiet voices, take turns talking P articipate, everyone has a job S tay with your group
Restroom Procedures Use bathroom during independent work time Be quick Flush Wash your hands with soap Turn the light off Return to your seat
Drinking Fountain Procedures Get drinks during independent work time Wait in line patiently for your turn 5 second drink Return to your seat
Pencils If your pencil breaks: Put it in the “Broken Pencils” container and take a new pencil from the “Sharp Pencils” container
Walking in Line Wait to line up until instructed to do so Walk to the line quietly Join at the end of the line Walk in a 4 S line Silent Straight Still Smiling Stop at stop as directed
Fire Drills Stop everything immediately Quietly line up Exit through the door and walk toward the playground Stay with class at all times Wait until you are called back inside Walk quickly and quietly back to the classroom Return to the classroom task
Tornado Drills Stop everything immediately Quietly line up On knees, cover head, stay quiet Wait until all clear bell Walk quickly and quietly back to the classroom Return to the classroom task
Getting ready to go! Clean up your desk area When you are called, get your backpack from your hook Put folder in backpack Line up
Dismissal Bus riders line up and follow Ms. Pena Walk together in a 4S line Car riders students line up at the shelf Do not leave the line, without your teacher’s permission!