Music Education in South European Countries Italy EMU General Assembly - Linz, 20th May 2009
Music Education in Italy Music Schools: Music Schools: Organized as Associations, Foundations, or Municipal Schools run by Local Authority Organized as Associations, Foundations, or Municipal Schools run by Local Authority Conservatories (58) Conservatories (58) and Istituti Musicali Pareggiati (21) Music Academies (S. Cecilia- Rome, Imola Piano Academy) Music Academies (S. Cecilia- Rome, Imola Piano Academy)
Music Schools Mission: basic, general music education for children, youngsters and adults. Mission: basic, general music education for children, youngsters and adults. Advanced tuition is provided for professional training Advanced tuition is provided for professional training (1 to 5% of students) (1 to 5% of students) Spread all over the country but no national data report Spread all over the country but no national data report is available is available More than 300 schools are situated in Emilia-Romagna and Toscana, a latest regional report shows More than 300 schools are situated in Emilia-Romagna and Toscana, a latest regional report shows Only one art school (Milan), the vast majority offer only music school tuition Only one art school (Milan), the vast majority offer only music school tuition
Music Schools No national law on Music Schools No national law on Music Schools Two regional laws: Tuscany, Veneto Two regional laws: Tuscany, Veneto AIdSM promoted a national law in order to: AIdSM promoted a national law in order to: - recognize the role of Music Schools in Italy - establish regular links with general education system - recognize the role of Music Schools in Italy - establish regular links with general education system - set quality standards for Music Schools - set quality standards for Music Schools - ensure financial support - ensure financial support Nobel price Rita Levi Montalcini is one of the members of the Parliament who signed the proposal. Nobel price Rita Levi Montalcini is one of the members of the Parliament who signed the proposal.
AIdSM Italian Association of Music Schools AIdSM Italian Association of Music Schools Main goals: Main goals: to promote musical education to promote musical education to develop a network within music schools and all public institutions to develop a network within music schools and all public institutions to provide accessible tuition for all to provide accessible tuition for all to disseminate international papers (e.g. Music Manifesto, Weimar declaration, Unesco Road Map...) to disseminate international papers (e.g. Music Manifesto, Weimar declaration, Unesco Road Map...) to organize international seminars and exchange with music schools in Europe to organize international seminars and exchange with music schools in Europe
Music Schools run by Local Authorities (Municipalities) Public selection to be enrolled as a teacher Public selection to be enrolled as a teacher Fundings: up to 60-70% to cover all costs Fundings: up to 60-70% to cover all costs Most schools have their own system to evaluate the progress of the students Most schools have their own system to evaluate the progress of the students Co-operation with regular schools Co-operation with regular schools
Music Schools run by Associations, Foundations Private management Private management Teacher selection by directors Teacher selection by directors Students fees percentage in school budget very variable Students fees percentage in school budget very variable Agreement with Local Authorities for management costs Agreement with Local Authorities for management costs
Conservatories and Istituti Musicali Pareggiati Under the Ministry of University and Research Under the Ministry of University and Research Law 508/99: Conservatories at the same level of Universities Law 508/99: Conservatories at the same level of Universities Students must have secondary school diploma to be enrolled Students must have secondary school diploma to be enrolled 3+2 years courses. ECTS rules enforced 3+2 years courses. ECTS rules enforced Previous system still applied: Music School pupils are enabled to make exams as external private students. Previous system still applied: Music School pupils are enabled to make exams as external private students.
Map of Conservatories
April, 6th Abruzzo Earthquake Basilica di Collemaggio L’Aquila Music for solidarity