PARTNERSHIP CO-ORDINATORS –Oversight of partnership including staffing –Relationship Manager –Problem solver ‘extraordinaire’ –Provide advice and guidance to partner & internal colleagues –Support partner in QA events/processes –Work closely with ALT’s –Produce CDP’s –Produce QA reports (AMR, ABR) –Arrange and attend Partnership Boards
ACADEMIC LINK TUTORS –Facilitate subject specialist advice and guidance to partner course teams –Monitor the academic health of programmes moderation ASP –Attend partner BoS (or equivalent) –Confirm & attend annual schedule of meetings with course team –Support the PC including contributing to QA reports –Monitor and approve module guides/course handbooks, approve planners –Monitor academic content of website –Support the production of course documentation for validation/PRR
WHAT I DO AS A LINK TUTOR… In the style of Goffman (1959) As link tutor I am: –A course leader (moderating module guides and assessment scrutiny); –A Senior Tutor (for student related queries); –An internal “external” examiner; a critical “friend” (when moderating assessments); –A marketer (looking at website content) –A mentor (for PRR/validation purposes)
Some valuable lessons learned Planning meetings in advance of the new academic year BoS, course meetings, etc –agreement in principle by the end of June beginning of July Agreeing dates for Moderation of module guides and ASP (we work on a 2 semester system, whilst a lot of our partners work on a 3 term/trimester system) –Ideally first tranche before summer leave, or in August at the latest. If in doubt, ask. We are here to help and support!