Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs 2015 Intel ISEF Educator Academy Pittsburgh, PA Action Plan – ITALY (please free to place a picture below) 1
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs CURRENT SITUATION No stable and shared educational strategy due to the continual changing of governments. Public spending for education is below OECD average. No formal pre-service and in-service training for teachers. Aging teaching population with low digital skills. Low percentage of University graduate students in general: 16% of the total population versus from 22 to 50% of the other OECD countries. 7% of University graduates in STEM subjects against 14% of the other OECD countries. Low level of digital infrastructures in schools 2
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs ACTIONS WE CAN CONTRIBUTE TO Increase attention over the strategic value of STEM education at school and university level and promote the linkage with artistic education (from STEM to STEAM). Promote innovative teaching methods (inquiry based learning, laboratory work, informal teaching, flipped classrooms, …) promote public and private partnership with the objective to: increase youngsters interest in STEM education and careers, addressing two challenges: lack of interest in these subjects and future skills and competence gaps. Empower territorial strengths of education by leveraging local competencies. Boost the legacy of artisan and artistic approach to manufacturing through the digital technologies. promote the organization of project-based scientific fairs at local, regional and national level. disseminate knowledge about the cultural relevance of computer science in a digital world. 3
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs Action Plan – Steps to Meet Your Goals and Objectives 4 ActionSuccess Measure Who is responsible Due Date Create a network of STEM Teachers to gain attention over importance of STEM teaching Network of 100 teachers CLAUDIA, ENRICO ALBERTO December 2016 Piloting innovative teaching methods in STEM Reach 1000 teachers CLAUDIA, ENRICO CARLO December 2016 Organize regional, national scientific fairs Reach 500 schoolsALBERTO, CARLODURING 2016 Disseminate cultural relevance of STEM teaching Reach people through newsletter and social media CLAUDIA, CARLO ALBERTO, ENRICO December 2015
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs ACTIONS FOR POLICY MAKERS Raise government awareness of the importance of long term, shared and stable educational strategy. promote enrollment to STEAM degrees by means of various incentives (scholarship, training, grant) increase teachers motivation by: improving the perception of their social role improving salary improving training and working conditions. 5
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs … ITALY IN A PERSPECTIVE OECD Report shows that the percentage of STEM-STEAM graduates in Italy is above the average of OECD countries. the level of investment in education is one of the highest among OECD countries Scientists have a very high value in public opinion and high visibility in the media. Teaching is one of the most sought after career. Italy has one of the most successful teacher training program Scientific fairs are one of the most popular events for children. The Italian scientific fair is the point of reference for european scientific fairs. Educational scientific events and programs are supported and sponsored by private enterprises also through fund-raising long term trends show consolidation and improvement of the current (2025) situation. Italy has been endorsed by INTEL to organize ISEF EUROPE 6
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Thank you for participating in the 2015 Intel ISEF Educator Academy 7
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