Induction Case Study Department of Chemistry Dr Lynne Bayley 10/07/2015
Purpose of Induction Purpose of induction: Enable students to make a successful transition to university. After induction students should; Be aware of expectations and processes involved in academic study at university level. Understand how to engage with timetabled sessions, independent study, assessment and feedback. Be able to use administrative and technical systems. Be aware of the opportunities available. Know how to access help and support. Be socially integrated.
Definition of Induction: The action or process of inducting someone to a post or organization. Inducting: to introduce, especially to something requiring special knowledge or experience; initiate (usually followed by to or into). Contradiction of Induction: Definition of Induction: Introduction implies at the beginning Purpose of Induction Understanding / awareness / ability to carry out tasks should be delivered when required
Timing: Activity Pre-arrival Term 1 First Half Term 1 Second Half Christmas Term 2 First Half Term 2 Second Half Easter Term 3 First Half Term 3 Second Half Required
KnowledgeAwarenessAbility I know the course weightings of each year I am aware that each year in the course is weighted differently I am able to locate and retrieve information about the course weightings for each year. Knowledge vs Ability
Strategies for Enabling Students through Induction Interactive Questioning Clickers Quizzes Face-to-Face Low-stake assessment Accessible Personalised Media Options Lecture Capture Signposting
Example Interactivity Previous Induction: Information about interactive map given in first induction lecture Information about academic room locations given in first induction lecture. Problem: A significant number of first year students arrive late or do not turn up for sessions due to difficulties finding rooms. Revised Induction: Orienteering activity Bingo card of rooms Student groups given 1 hour to find as many rooms as possible (prizes awarded) Mentor stationed at each location to give out stamps and help groups to find next location Additional benefit – assists social integration.
Activity: Enabling Students How could you introduce students to the following topics in an interactive manner that enables them to access during their university life? Degree and module structure Monitoring points and absences Assessment and feedback Penalties and extensions Student support and personal tutor system Library facilities Careers support