Key Advice for NQTs 1
Help is at Hand Mentor, line manager, NQT/New Teacher Induction Tutor 2009 – 16 failed, 26,790 passed Schedule in meetings – be proactive Make a list of things you need to know/find out/help with Be honest – talk about your frustration and stresses Be professional – you are an employee now and a member of a professional body Be grateful – let your mentor know the support is valued 2
Time Management – Critical Take time to plan effectively so you do not feel overwhelmed Prioritise – urgent, important, can wait Deal with the more difficult tasks 3 Key Advice for NQTs
Develop good relationships with your colleagues – both support and teaching staff People like it when your remember who they are Respond quickly to s Get involved Be friendly but not overbearing/smart Alec/laugh a minute Be prepared to say yes (but not always!) Be aware of your body language. Match volume, voice, tone, tempo, pace and pitch where possible to build rapport 4 Key Advice for NQTs
Do not wait until the end of the lesson to set homework or prep 5 Key Advice for NQTs
Student Behaviour You are in charge: Be in the classroom before your students Have resources ready Greet students as they enter your class Start by being polite and firm Model good manners If anyone is messing around as they enter, calmly and politely ask them to wait outside Student need to know from the start that you have high expectations 6 Key Advice for NQTs
Student Behaviour (cont.) Initially, use less humour than you would at a funeral! – they need a teacher not an entertainer. They want to see leadership Use impact to communicate – we only get across 25% of our message with the words we use. Voice – animated and well projected Think about how you conduct yourself – stand still, keep are movements small, gestures deliberate 7 Key Advice for NQTs
Student Behaviour (cont.) Sound like you mean it – assertive tone Raise your voice as little as possible – don’t lose control Be consistent – this is key. Students will test boundaries Make your expectations clear and ensure they know what you think is important Embed your behaviour policy by making them aware that you care about them as learners Let them know what the rules are and what the sanctions are 8 Key Advice for NQTs
Student Behaviour (cont.) Always do what you say you will do Consistent means fair Follow college guidelines and policies Remember you are part of a team. Seek help and advice Remember it is a marathon not a sprint. Don’t expect it all to happen at once. Keep going and keep your procedures in place, phone calls home etc. 9 Key Advice for NQTs
Take charge Dress the part Be first Be prepared Make eye contact Make an impact Be consistent Be patient Keep it up THE RULES TOP TIPS Ignore questions without a hand up. Ignore them completely. They’ll soon learn. You will be tempted to be king, laugh and say friendly things. Resist, for now. Try to avoid saying “I’ll get Miss/Sir if you don’t behave.” This teaches them that you’re not in charge; Miss/Sir is. Use others as a last resort.
Lesson Observations Make them work for you so that you develop View feedback positively People aren’t born super-teachers Everyone has to work at it Keep teaching Creative and Innovative There is a wealth of resources online Share knowledge and good practice with others 11 Key Advice for NQTs
Other College 5 minute late rule Student record on ProMonitor Duty rota for incident management/security Cause for Concern procedures to be used appropriately 12 Key Advice for NQTs