Images from Gallery.html
Expand knowledge base Develop basic analytical skills Build a foundation for future Leadership Innovation Service
Foundations Explorations Integration
Writing Foundation Composition II (WRT 160) Formal Reasoning Math Statistics Logic Linguistics Computer Science
Arts Foreign Language and Culture Global Perspectives Literature Natural Sciences and Technology Social Science Western Civilization
Knowledge Application Apply knowledge from a Knowledge Exploration Not in Major Capstone Course Integration of knowledge in Major
Writing intensive in the Major (WIM) Writing intensive in Gen Ed (WIGE) US Diversity These may double count with other Gen Ed courses
Effective communication Critical Thinking Social Awareness Information Literacy
You may teach a Gen Ed course Syllabus Specific Gen Ed language Gen Ed Learning Outcomes (GESLOs) Cross-cutting capacities Your course may need to be assessed Gen Ed Assessment Plan
Your department Chair Your department Assessment and/or Curriculum Committee Chair(s)