Project VIRTA Education Services Centre
2 Background In basic education, some school subjects have very few pupils in each school Minority religions Minority languages (mother tongue) Expenses are quite high Transportation Salaries Equipment Sustainable development Distances limit pupils’ options Especially extra languages Problems with current methods of distance education
3 Project VIRTA in short Began in 2008 Funded by Finnish National Board of Education and the city of Turku Search for new (technological) methods for distance education Inexpensive Accessible New technology => new educational possibilities Targets lower comprehensive school education (7-12 years old) Adobe Connect Pro Pilot programs Orthodox religion 9 schools, 17 pupils, small groups French 2 schools, 12 pupils, large group
4 Adobe Connect Pro Web-based Video conference software No local installations needed Variety of tools (whiteboards, audio and video files etc.) Equipment needed Computer with internet connection Headset (microphone/earphones) or conference microphone Web camera Video
5 Results from surveys, interviews and exams Pupils Feels like a computer game: 11% Easy to ask for help: 93% Feels like the teacher is in the same room: 32% Most distracting thing – poor audio quality: 82% Best technical help during lesson – assistant: 82% Likes to continue in distance education: 71%
6 Results from surveys, interviews and exams Teachers Requires a lot of work Teacher also becomes an ”IT-expert” ”Education first” => system not designed for education Increases both teacher-pupil and pupil-pupil interaction Easy access to demonstrative material (video, audio) Enables new teaching techniques Class control is better than in near education Exams Average scores same as in near education
7 More school-related possibilities Distance consultation Multiprofessional teams (teacher, school social worker etc.) Hospital school’s follow-ups Shared expertise (eg. special schools => reg. schools) Etc. Teacher / principal / parent meetings Extension studies → Saves time, money and environment
8 Contact information City of Turku Education Services Centre Project VIRTA Project manager Päivi Luoma Project assistant Antti Huttunen