Native Americans of New York State Mrs. Martin Grade 4
Vocabulary IroquoisAlgonquians Haudenosauneewigwam Haudenosauneewigwam League of Nationshunter-gatherers League of Nationshunter-gatherers Sachemsnomads Sachemsnomads Wampumartifacts Wampumartifacts Clanarchaeologist Clanarchaeologist Longhousenatural resource Longhousenatural resource
artifacts Tools: arrowheads leaf shaped knives part of a post Objects used by people long ago.
artifacts child’s toy clay pot
archeologists A scientist who learns about the past by studying artifacts A scientist who learns about the past by studying artifacts
Natural resource Something we use that comes from nature. Something we use that comes from nature. NOT MAN MADE NOT MAN MADE water Wood (trees) stones
nomads People who move with their food source. People who move with their food source. THEY DO NOT LIVE PERMNATELY IN ONE PLACE. THEY DO NOT LIVE PERMNATELY IN ONE PLACE.
hunters-gatherers People who hunt for animals or gather plants for food
Iroquois One of New York’s Native American groups. One of New York’s Native American groups. Made up of five Made up of fivenations:
Iroquois League of Nations A group of five native american nations who joined together in order to bring peace to their people. A group of five native american nations who joined together in order to bring peace to their people.
sachems Fifty leaders chosen from the five nations to form the Grand Council Fifty leaders chosen from the five nations to form the Grand Council The Grand Council met near the center of the Iroquois lands. They discussed important issues such as peace, trade, and how to use the land. The Grand Council met near the center of the Iroquois lands. They discussed important issues such as peace, trade, and how to use the land.
wampum Beads made by seashells Beads made by seashells Belts of wampum were used as gifts and to send messages Belts of wampum were used as gifts and to send messages
clan Lived together in a longhouse – they were family – they had a common ancestor Lived together in a longhouse – they were family – they had a common ancestor
Longhouse Home that Iroquois lived in with their entire clan Home that Iroquois lived in with their entire clan
Algonquians Native American group of New York. Native American group of New York.
wigwam Small dome shaped home of the Algonquian people Small dome shaped home of the Algonquian people