Enhancing Maritime Domain Awareness Navy Industry International Dialogue (NIID) 19 April 2005
UNCLASSIFIED 2 What’s Changed? MRC – 2 MTW PK PE Humanitarian Assistance/ Disaster Relief C-Terrorism C-Piracy Strategy and capabilities required for Spectrum of Conflict were subsets of 2MRC/MTW force structure Major Regional Conflict/ Major Theater War Peace–keeping/ Enforcement CP CT HA/ DR Major Combat OPS GWOT HLD/ HLS Stability OPS … the National, Joint Force, and Navy capabilities needed to win the current struggle capabilities needed to win the current struggle Strategy and capabilities required for post-9/11 environment are not subsets of MCO force structure
UNCLASSIFIED 3 Navy Focus Areas Where does MDA fit? GWOT –Maritime Domain Awareness Cornerstone of actionable intelligence Collection: Navy, Joint, Interagency, International, Commercial, and Sailors –Disrupt and Attack Terrorist Networks E-MIO as core competency PSI –Enhanced TSC With Effects-based results HLD/HLS –Global Maritime Domain Awareness National Maritime Intelligence Integration Center Joint Harbor Ops Centers –Securing America’s approaches USN/USCG supported/supporting relationships Layered and scalable Readiness tiered to threat level Forces OPCON to NFCs –AT/FP – personnel & infrastructure
UNCLASSIFIED 4 Distributed and Networked OPS “Navy on the Beat” ISO Stability OPS and GWOT Strategic Operational RMSI DDG LCS Stab Ops Seabee Unit Medical team Coastal warfare unit Deterrence CSG Stab Ops USMC LPD DD(X) Stab Ops (FID) USMC JSB’s LPD DD(X) LPD Tactical Navy’s “three-fer” –Develop MDA – enabler for E-MIO and PSI –Enhanced TSC –Ready for MCOs Leverage: –Multi-national maritime interoperability –International coalitions and partnerships
UNCLASSIFIED 5 Distributed and Networked OPS Firewall America ISO HLD/HLS KnownTerroristVessels Tactical Operational Strategic MayportDDG Permissively permeable approaches Scalable readiness, tiered to threat –Level of effort when required Global MDA enables inter-theater mutual support USN/USCG supported/supporting relationships Awareness to Execution –National Maritime Intelligence Center –Global E-MIO capability –Joint Harbor OPS Centers JaxP-3 USCGWHECMEC x x USCG HU-25 MPA WHEC USCG patrol MEC Hu-25 MPA x x xSuspectedTerroristVessels NMIC (Suitland) Pacific Maritime Intel Fusion Center (Alameda) Atlantic Maritime IntelFusionCenter (Dam Neck) JHOC(Norfolk) Norfolk CG, DDG BrunswickP-3 Surge MIO DDG Surge MIO DDG Surge MIO P-3
UNCLASSIFIED 6 US PORT HUMINT Automated Information System (AIS)Tracking Joint Harbor Operations Center Surface Ship reporting Foreign Port Security Audits Container Security Initiative 24-Hour Manifest Rule Customs – Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) GMDSS/AIS polling (notional ) Surface Ship reporting PUBLIC PRIVATE SECURITY PARTNERSHIPS APPROACHES FORWARD REGIONS HOMELAND Maritime Command Center 96-Hour Notice of Arrival Surface Ship reporting Notional processes GMDSS Polling AIS polling UAV MPA Integrated Undersea Surveillance System MDA Concept Global Vision
UNCLASSIFIED 7 MDA Is An Enabler MDA facilitates decision making by generating understanding Intelligence Information Data Maritime Domain Maritime DomainAwareness Data Information Intelligence Understanding Action
UNCLASSIFIED 8 MDA Concept Information flow Vessels People Facilities Cargo Infrastructure Sea lanes Threats Friendly forces Weather Sensors Operators & field personnel Intel. Agencies Open source Private sector data Interagency International partners State/Local Collate Fuse Analyze Assess Common Operating Picture Indications & Warnings Assessments Estimates Strategic Operational Tactical PRODUCTSPRODUCTS CollectCollectAnalyzeAnalyzeDisseminateDisseminate DecisionsDecisions InformationInformation 8 Technology and Processes Operator Feedback
UNCLASSIFIED 9 Navy Priorities Improve information/intelligence management –Improve net-centric data exchange –Improve tools to analyze existing data –Develop trend analysis for anomaly detection –Develop data sharing protocol with inter-agency and multinational partners Sensor enhancement –Pursue complementary persistent detection/unique identification capability –Develop ability for remote detection of CBRNE –Determine best of breed: continue modeling to determine future sensor investments Continue to foster multi-national partner relationships
UNCLASSIFIED 10 Questions?
UNCLASSIFIED 12 Coalition Support: Key to enhancing global MDA Blue Water Navies Interoperable with USN to Execute MCOs Export security to global “hot spots” Police regional/territorial waters Enhance TSC efforts with partner nations around the globe Participate in Regional Maritime Security Initiatives Littoral Navies Police regional/territorial waters Export security to regional (nearby) “hot spots” Enhance TSC efforts with regional (nearby) partner nations Participate in Regional Maritime Security Initiatives Maritime Law Enforcement Navies Police territorial waters Participate in Regional Maritime Security Initiatives Nascent Navies Work collaboratively with partner nations to increase capability to police territorial waters Participate in Regional Maritime Security Initiatives All partners can contribute to Maritime Domain Awareness, Infrastructure Access, and Regional Expertise
UNCLASSIFIED 13 Possible Sensor Solutions AIS intercept -Ground Station (20nm) -Airborne Station (>50nm) Radar -HFSWR (20-200nm) -SAR/ISAR (200nm) ROTHR (1500nm) Open Ocean - AIS - ELINT MPA/BAMS -EO/IR -Radar -AIS JHOC Underwater Detection -Anti swimmer detection Acoustic Identification