By: Carly Appletoft
Summary There were four brave warriors They kill their enemy Their enemy comes back to life
Summary Confused, they decide they must go to Governor, Old Woman White hands for help. Governor does not believe him
Summary Worried, the three warriors went in search for the missing one Walked back to camp Thought the Governor was pregnant, even though he was a man
Summary They attacked their enemy with clubs Some of the enemy did not fight Friendship
About the Apache Tribe TThe Apache Tribe came from the north and settled into three dessert regions known as the Great Basin, the Sonoran, and the Chihuachuan TThey speak Athabscan HHad unsurpassed war tactics TThey were also nomadic hunter-gatherers
TThe first Apache raids took place in the late 17 th century IIn 1875 the United States military forced the removal of1,500 Apache Native Americans WWent to Indian Agency at San Carlos, 180 miles away RResulted in a loss of several hundred lives HHeld in San Carlos for 25 years while white settlers took over their land OOnly a few hundred returned back to their land
Elements OOrigin Myth CCharacters: The enemy- enemies of the Apaches, some of them were peaceful The four warriors- had superior war tactics to combat their enemy The Governor, Old Woman White Hands- wise, all-knowing governor TThe importance of friendship and the importance of honesty
Works Cited mythwhitehands.html mythwhitehands.html ml ml tribes/apache/apachehist.htm tribes/apache/apachehist.htm