Native American Civilizations America Before 1500 Native American Civilizations
North and South America Before 1500 Until lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunters. -African Proverb
The First People in America ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Early Societies/Civilizations Early Native American Societies Sedentary (Aztecs/Inca/Mya) Nonsedentary Semisedentary
3 societies compared and contrasted Nonsedentary Semisedentary (Iroquois) Sedentary (Inca/Mya/Aztecs) Hunter gatherers Mix of farming and hunting/gathering Large-scale farming Nomadic; follow food supply Permanent cities/villages with roads, markets, and houses Small populations/villages (<100) Bigger populations/villages (hundreds-thousands) Huge populations (millions) No political leaders, laws, taxes Some leadership to enforce laws and taxes Powerful tribal leaders create laws, taxes
Mesoamerican Indians were the first to cultivate: Some of the most complex and advanced cultures of the Americas, and for that matter in the world, developed in Mesoamerica. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mesoamerican Indians were the first to cultivate: corn, Irish potato, sweet potatoes, manioc, several varieties of beans, squash, pumpkins, peanuts, tomatoes, chocolate, rubber, long staple cotton, tobacco, and the use of rubber.
Location of Aztecs and Mayans in Mesoamerica
Inca Empire
Native American Culture Regions
Iroquois League __________________________________________________________________________________________ Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson would later praise the Iroquois League and model some of our government after theirs.
Early Civilizations Decline Before 1500, many early civilizations died off due to disease, natural disasters, and war among tribes. Example: Maya tribe ruled Mesoamerica from A.D. 250-900. Very advanced/complex empire but mysteriously vanished. __________________________________________________________________________________________
Summing Up and Looking Forward After migrating to the Americas in 35,000 B.C., Native Americans from 35,000 B.C. to 1500 A.D. developed complex civilizations. But, none of these civilizations, even the most advanced ones such as the Incas and Aztecs, were as advanced as European empires such as France, Spain, and England. Native Americans had no idea about European culture, technology, warfare, or disease. They would soon find out beginning in 1492.
Key Terms From This Lesson Mesoamerica migration sedentary, nonsedentary, and semisedentary Mya, Inca, and Aztec tribes Culture regions Eastern Woodlands and Mississippi River Valley Tribes Great Plains Native American Region Southwest Native American Region Northwest Native American Region