SAG Update September 2013 to September 2014 GNC Annual meeting September 2014 Rome, Italy
SAG Achievements New SAG established in February 2014 – consists of some previous members plus new members Diane Holland, UNICEF; Anne-Dominique Israel, ACF; Britta Schumacher, WFP; Lynda Kiess, WFP (back-up for Britta); Nicki Connell, SC-US; Emily Keane, SC-UK & Jaqueline Frize, SC-UK (back- up for Nicki); Samson Desie, NCC, UNICEF Sudan; Josephine Ippe, GNC Coordinator; Handover day with former and new members of SAG MoU between the GNC and ACF-Canada on SMART Project Convenor (South Sudan support)
SAG Achievements GNC working session – February 17-19, on Strategic Plan, draft Work Plan and revised SOP based on recommendations from the GNC Annual meeting in July 2013 Pillar costing, highlighting funding commitments and gaps Supported GNC workplan launch in Geneva Discussed fundraising strategy for workplan and reviewed strategy documentation produced by consultant Supported the organisation of the GNC meeting
SAG Priorities SAG TOR Commits to working on the activities identified for the SAG to take forward during the annual meeting, Supports the GNC CT in monitoring the progress on the GNC work plan; highlighting and suggesting actions if off track, and Provides strategic support to GNC CT to guide GNC affairs.
SAG Priorities Actioning GNC fundraising strategy in order to secure short/longer-term funding and donor interests for GNC activities Supporting in identification of lead agencies for each workplan activity/objective to take forward identified GNC needs Support to the GNC-CT on strategic issues emerging Support to GNC-CT in emergency response as required
We need your feedback! Defining the SAG priority areas as a collective and refining those within the SAG will be a concrete outcome from the meeting We will revise the SAG TOR during the meeting to ensure it is comprehensive and responsive (SOP + TOR+comments) SAG Members are available for suggestions