Report from ILCSC Shin-ichi Kurokawa KEK ILCSC Chair GDE meeting at Frascati December 7, 2005
ICFA and the Linear Collider ICFA has been helping to guide international cooperation on and try to realize the Linear Collider more than 10 years. Major steps: 1995: First LC TRC Report, under Greg Loew as Chair 1999: ICFA Statement on Linear Collider 2002: ICFA commissioned the second LC TRC Report, under Greg Loew as Chair 2002: ICFA has established the ILC Steering Committee (ILCSC) with Maury Tigner as Chair “ The mandate of the ILCSC shall be reviewed by ICFA in three years to determine if the purpose is being properly served and remains appropriate or if the activity should be terminated.”
ILCSC Charter(2002) Engage in outreach, explaining the intrinsic scientific and technological importance of the project to the scientific community at large, to industry, to government officials and politicians and to the general public Based upon the extensive work already done in the three regions, engage in defining the scientific roadmap, the scope and primary parameters for machine and detector. It is particularly important that the initial energy, the initial operations scenario and the goals for upgradeability be properly assessed. -> Set up GDE
ILCSC Charter (cont) Monitor the machine R&D activities and make recommendations on the coordination and sharing of R&D tasks as appropriate. Although the accelerator technology choice may well be determined by the host country, the ILCSC should help facilitate this choice to the largest degree possible. -> Setup ITRP and GDE, and then MAC Identify models of the organizational structure, based on international partnerships, adequate for constructing the LC facility. In addition, the ILCSC should make recommendations regarding the role of the host country in the construction and operation of the facility. -> Collaboration with FALC ->Next Step
ILCSC Charter (cont) Carry out such other tasks as may be approved or directed by ICFA -> The role of ILCSC will be discussed at the next ICFA meeting (February 10, 2006 at CERN)
Summary of ILCSC meetings in Snowmass ( 05/08/23) and Daegu (05/09/27) ILCSC reconfirms that it is the only oversight body of GDE. the regional committees provide input to ILCSC and have no oversight role. ILCSC has finalized the Annex to GDE MoU. The regional committees will produce lists of possible signatories from their regions. ILCSC will review the lists, and form guidelines for what types of institutions can sign. ILCSC is going to set up Machine Advisory Committee by the end of MAC will report to ILCSC and give advice to GDE. MAC members should be selected by their expertise. It will have the first meeting early 2006.
ILC Organization Chart ICFA ILCSC GDE Asia Regional Team European Regional Team American Regional Team ACFA ALCSCFALC
ILC DGE ILC-MOU : Signed on May 10
Summary of ILCSC meetings in Snowmass ( 05/08/23) and Daegu (05/09/27)(cont) ILCSC will have a close consultative relationship with the FALC (Funding Agencies for Linear Collider) groups. ILCSC proposes that ICFA Chair and ILCSC Chair be invited to FALC meetings, and ILCSC Chair to FALC RG meetings. GDE will keep the FALC group well informed. Next ILCSC meeting will be held at CERN on Feb 9, 2006 and the one after the next will be held in Zeuten in early May.
ILC Organization Chart ICFA ILCSC GDE Asia Regional Team European Regional Team American Regional Team ACFA ALCSCFALC
ILCSC and Its Next Step ILCSC will continue to oversee GDE until GDE gets organized under a federation of worldwide government agencies and something like interim council. At that time ICFA and ILCSC will step aside. A natural time for ICFA/ILCSC to hand off the GDE oversight to such a body would be at the transition from Reference Design (RDR) to Technical Design (TDR). The delay should be minimized. To devise and realize a proper scheme for this federation of worldwide government agencies is one of the most important tasks of ILCSC and it should collaborate with FALC. Coming years are crucial years for ILC, since to realize above-mentioned transition needs a lot of work, cooperation, and wisdom.
The GDE Plan and Schedule Global Design EffortProject Baseline configuration Reference Design ILC R&D Program Technical Design Expression of Interest to Host International Mgmt LHC Physics CLIC From Barry
ILCSC and Its Next Step ILCSC will continue to oversee GDE until GDE gets organized under a federation of worldwide government agencies and something like interim council. At that time ICFA and ILCSC will step aside. A natural time for ICFA/ILCSC to hand off the GDE oversight to such a body would be at the transition from Reference Design (RDR) to Technical Design (TDR). The delay should be minimized. To devise and realize a proper scheme for this federation of worldwide government agencies is one of the most important task of ILCSC and it should collaborate with FALC. Coming years are crucial years for ILC, since to realize above-mentioned transition needs a lot of work, cooperation, and wisdom.
Discussion in FALC meeting on November 4, 2005, at FNAL FLAC insists that it will oversee the GDE for funding. It complains about the dashed lines between FLAC and GDE. FALC plans to set up a sub-committee that consists of a few members in January to discuss how to evolve FALC toward the international management of ILC. FLAC wishes send its RG Chair to ILCSC meetings and its Chair to ICFA. FALC proposes that the common fund to support GDE activities be divided into 1/3, 1/3, and 1/3 to each region.
A few Words from ILCSC Chair I highly appreciate the great efforts of Maury as Chair of ILCSC and the ILCSC itself, its sub-committees, and ICFA, to establish GDE as a single team to design ILC on the basis of the world-wide unified approach. We should not slow down the present momentum towards the realization of ILC. As ILCSC Chair I will try my best to be as fair as possible and to realize the truly global ILC.
Thank you for your attention !