Appeal from the Decision of the Chair
Prevents a President from being a Dictator
Without this motion a President can make any decision
“ Mr. President I appeal the Decision of the Chair
Appeal the Decision of the Chair To obtain a decision from the chapter to a question on wich the presiding officer has made a decision.To obtain a decision from the chapter to a question on wich the presiding officer has made a decision. 2 nd required Debatable exept in the case of indecorum. Unamendable Majority vote or tie to sustain the chair
Leave to Withdraw a Motion
Man I’m an Idiot Motion
Leave to Withdraw To permit the withdraw of a motion from consideration by the chapterTo permit the withdraw of a motion from consideration by the chapter No 2 nd Undebatable Unamendable Majority Vote
“Permission is requested to Withdraw my Motion”
Parliamentary Inquiry
Fancy Question
“I Rise to a Point of Parliamentary Inquiry”
Suspend Standing Rule
Sometimes you have to break the rules
I Move to suspend the Standing Rules
Facts A 2 nd is requiredA 2 nd is required UndebatableUndebatable UnamendableUnamendable Majority voteMajority vote
To determine the accuracy of a vote
Just yell Division
Reconsider & Recind
2 motions that are very similar
Reconsider Bring back a motion, Redebate, amend and Revote
Reconsider 2 nd required2 nd required Debatable if the question is debatableDebatable if the question is debatable UnamendableUnamendable Majority VoteMajority Vote
Recind To Cancel a motion,
Recind 2nd Required2nd Required DebatableDebatable AmendableAmendable Majority Vote if given previous notice otherwise 2/3Majority Vote if given previous notice otherwise 2/3
Nominations & Elections
Elections is a long process
Steps to nominate and elect 1 move to open nominations & pass1 move to open nominations & pass Nominate people ( does not have to be seconded)Nominate people ( does not have to be seconded) Move to close Nominations ( 2/3 vote)Move to close Nominations ( 2/3 vote) Vote on Candidates in order they were nominated.Vote on Candidates in order they were nominated.