Traumatology chair and orthopedy of ВОЕННО-ПОЛЕВОЙ surgery
Chief of the chair Doctor of medical sciences Karimov Мurod Uldashevich
Polyinjury Polyinjury
In traumatology departments of city permanent establishment of sick with polyinjury meet at % sick, when catastrophes this figure achieves 40% and more. In traumatology departments of city permanent establishment of sick with polyinjury meet at % sick, when catastrophes this figure achieves 40% and more.
The term is collective concept, including inter se following the kinds of damages: The term is collective concept, including inter se following the kinds of damages: Multiple, combined, combined. Multiple, combined, combined.
Multiple, combined and combined the injuries are different by the distinctive gravity clinical symptoms, accompanied with great disorder of vital bodily functions, diagnostics difficulty, treatment complexity, high процентностью and disablement, high lethality. Multiple, combined and combined the injuries are different by the distinctive gravity clinical symptoms, accompanied with great disorder of vital bodily functions, diagnostics difficulty, treatment complexity, high процентностью and disablement, high lethality.
Of its kind damage much more often is followed by the traumatic shock, bloodloss, posing a threat to impairments of circulation and respiration. Of its kind damage much more often is followed by the traumatic shock, bloodloss, posing a threat to impairments of circulation and respiration.
Combined call damage, received in effect of different traumatic factors: mechanic, thermal, radiation. Combined call damage, received in effect of different traumatic factors: mechanic, thermal, radiation.
Monofocal is single trauma it is only in one site of аnatom-function of education: fracture of external ankle, diaphysis fracture of thigh-bone on a level, rupture of the medial meniscus. Monofocal is single trauma it is only in one site of аnatom-function of education: fracture of external ankle, diaphysis fracture of thigh-bone on a level, rupture of the medial meniscus.
Polifokal - damage in several places of one анатомо-функционального of education: diaphysis of thigh-bone on two levels, rupture of the medial meniscus together with rupture of the lateral ligament knee joint. Polifokal - damage in several places of one анатомо-функционального of education: diaphysis of thigh-bone on two levels, rupture of the medial meniscus together with rupture of the lateral ligament knee joint.
Polifocal Hip fracture
To multiple mechanical trauma belong damage two or more internal organs in one cavity (for example the livers and intestines ), two and more анатомо-функциональных educations of опорно-двигательной system (for example the hip fracture and forearm ). To multiple mechanical trauma belong damage two or more internal organs in one cavity (for example the livers and intestines ), two and more анатомо-функциональных educations of опорно-двигательной system (for example the hip fracture and forearm ).
Combined damages consider the simultaneous damage of internal organs in two and more cavities (for example the lung damage and spleen ) or the damage of internal organs and segment of опорно-двигательной system (for example mild brain injury and the fracture of bones of extremities ). Combined damages consider the simultaneous damage of internal organs in two and more cavities (for example the lung damage and spleen ) or the damage of internal organs and segment of опорно-двигательной system (for example mild brain injury and the fracture of bones of extremities ).
The injury two anatomical regions met at 50% injured, The injury two anatomical regions met at 50% injured, Three - at 30%, four and more - at 20%. 001 three Three - at 30%, four and more - at 20%. 001 three
Thromboembolism. Thromboembolism. When damages of one anatomical region 40, 6% tomical region 40, 6% When damages of one anatomical region 40, 6% tomical region 40, 6% Four and more 79% Four and more 79% Purulent complications Purulent complications 2, 5-3 time more often, than when single injuries. 2, 5-3 time more often, than when single injuries.
Lethality Lethality
When damages of one anatomical region 9, 8% When damages of one anatomical region 9, 8% Two body regions 26, 3% ions 26, 3% Two body regions 26, 3% ions 26, 3% Three 41, 5% Three 41, 5% Three 41, 5% Three 41, 5% Four 63, 2% Four 63, 2% Four 63, 2% Four 63, 2% Пяти 77, 8% Пяти 77, 8% Пяти 77, 8% Пяти 77, 8%
Treatment of multiple and combined fractures of bones of extremities in the acute period of injury was subjected to decision three of basic tasks. Treatment of multiple and combined fractures of bones of extremities in the acute period of injury was subjected to decision three of basic tasks. Reestablishment of vital function affected when injury. Reestablishment of vital function affected when injury. 2. Prevention and treatment of manifold complications, conditioned by the traumopathy. 2. Prevention and treatment of manifold complications, conditioned by the traumopathy. 3. Maximally early mobilization of sick to allow for recovery of activity of all bodies and systems, including and motion system. 3. Maximally early mobilization of sick to allow for recovery of activity of all bodies and systems, including and motion system.
Urgent - the reanimation operations, aimed at saving the lives, which must be executed by regardless of severity of the state (the laparotomy, aimed at stoppage of intraabdominal bleeding and so on ). Urgent - the reanimation operations, aimed at saving the lives, which must be executed by regardless of severity of the state (the laparotomy, aimed at stoppage of intraabdominal bleeding and so on ). Primary - the life-saving operations, which shall be effected after conducting of reanimation and antishock actions (the injury of spinal cord, cranial trepanation, wound пхо and the osteosynthesis compound fracture of crus, the hip osteosynthesis ). Primary - the life-saving operations, which shall be effected after conducting of reanimation and antishock actions (the injury of spinal cord, cranial trepanation, wound пхо and the osteosynthesis compound fracture of crus, the hip osteosynthesis ).
Отстроченный the osteosynthesis - is produced more often in the period of complete stabilization of condition, as a rule on 7-8 the day after the trauma (the fracture posterior margin of вертлужной basin when posterior dislocation of the femur ). Отстроченный the osteosynthesis - is produced more often in the period of complete stabilization of condition, as a rule on 7-8 the day after the trauma (the fracture posterior margin of вертлужной basin when posterior dislocation of the femur ). Therapy principle of polyinjury: Therapy principle of polyinjury: 0 quick examination 0 quick examination 0 full-fledged therapy 0 full-fledged therapy 0 early operation 0 early operation
Indications to preliminary treatment of fracture is: Indications to preliminary treatment of fracture is: 0 heavy shock and terminal state 0 heavy shock and terminal state 0 mass receipt of sick 0 mass receipt of sick 0 possibility absence to fulfil definitive expert care of fractures. 0 possibility absence to fulfil definitive expert care of fractures. The basic task of doctor to distinguish dominant the injury. The basic task of doctor to distinguish dominant the injury. For example hip fracture and rupture of the liver. For example hip fracture and rupture of the liver.
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