UMKC New Chairs/Program Directors Workshop August 8, 2013
What does a newly appointed chair need to know? (Chu, 2006) Chairs officially represent the department Chairs are members of the team that is leading the institution as well as their own academic unit Chairs are usually not personally liable for actions undertaken in the course of fulfilling their professional responsibilities (exceptions include – actions taken outside scope of job description, action that is unprofessional, malicious, reckless or imprudent) Maintain confidentiality The best sources of information on how to be a good chair are the best chairs on campus
What does a newly appointed chair need to know? (Chu, 2006) – cont. How much chairs are able to do is largely dependent on how much support their deans are willing and able to publicly provide Credibility is the chair’s most important personal asset Who you spend time with should have your undivided attention Maximize the talents of the faculty Chairs have fiduciary responsibility Chairs should operationalize the strategic plan into achievable pieces and make daily decisions in support of the plan Not every problem is a real problem There are two types of chairs: reactive chairs and proactive chairs Chairs can make a real difference