May House Meeting Sidney Graduate Community Tuesday, May 1 st 2007 Pacific
Agenda Service Awards The New House Council –Role of the House Council –Introductions –Housing Trustee Nominations Brunch Logistics Upcoming Events Service Awards The New House Council –Role of the House Council –Introductions –Housing Trustee Nominations Brunch Logistics Upcoming Events
Service Awards Rosaria Chiang Nan Gu Wen Liu Tara Sainath Lynne Salameh Rosaria Chiang Nan Gu Wen Liu Tara Sainath Lynne Salameh
Thank You (outgoing) SPEC! Robert Wang Ben Mares Matt Eddy Alex Lewis Jane Kim Robert Wang Ben Mares Matt Eddy Alex Lewis Jane Kim
Rosaria Chiang Chair of the Halls Wendy Iskenderian VP of Information Michelle Sander VP of Resources Nan Gu President Swati Mohan VP of Residential Life House Council
Office of the President Connects Sidney Pacific to other organizations –Academia –Community –Industry –Alumni –MIT/GSC –KAΘ –Other Dormitories Connects Sidney Pacific to other organizations –Academia –Community –Industry –Alumni –MIT/GSC –KAΘ –Other Dormitories What this really means –CoSI Lectures –Housefellow Events –Outreach Opportunities –Alumni Dinners –Advocacy –Collaborations What this really means –CoSI Lectures –Housefellow Events –Outreach Opportunities –Alumni Dinners –Advocacy –Collaborations
Ardavan Farjadpour Scholarly Interactions Natalija Jovanovic GSC Representative Yuri Loktionov Housefellows Liaison Anusha Kothandaraman Outreach Mihir Mehta External Relations/Alumni Shirin Pillay Theta Representative Rosaria Chiang Chair of the Halls Michelle Sander VP of Resources Nan Gu President Swati Mohan VP of Residential Life Wendy Iskenderian VP of Information
Maintain records and archives Connect the community with technology Publicize events Main Tools –Officer’s Wiki –SP homepage –Poster printing and design –SPeaker newsletter –Photo archive –SPTV (technical and content) –Bulletin boards – /Discussion lists Coming Soon! –Online Forums –Unified Publicity Interface Maintain records and archives Connect the community with technology Publicize events Main Tools –Officer’s Wiki –SP homepage –Poster printing and design –SPeaker newsletter –Photo archive –SPTV (technical and content) –Bulletin boards – /Discussion lists Coming Soon! –Online Forums –Unified Publicity Interface Office of Information
Wen Liu Web Chair Kai Iamsumang Web Co-chair Biliana Kaneva Web Co-chair Matthew Walker Newsletter Chair James Lee Publicity Chair Jonathan Ragan- Kelley Publicity Co-chair Karthik Balakrishnan SPTV Co-chair Mark Baldesarra SPTV Chair Jeewoo Lim Photofile Chair Rosaria Chiang Chair of the Halls Michelle Sander VP of Resources Nan Gu President Swati Mohan VP of Residential Life Wendy Iskenderian VP of Information
Organize residence-wide social activities –Orientation –Outings, Athletics, IM Sports –Brunches, Coffee Hours Maintain a hub of campus-wide social life –Collaborations with organizations inside and outside of MIT –Dance Parties, BBQs Steward financial support for events Organize residence-wide social activities –Orientation –Outings, Athletics, IM Sports –Brunches, Coffee Hours Maintain a hub of campus-wide social life –Collaborations with organizations inside and outside of MIT –Dance Parties, BBQs Steward financial support for events Office of Residential Life
Ben Renkoski Social Chair Eric Lam Social Co-chair Lynne Waldman Orientation Chair Johnathan Lindsey Orientation Co-chair Dan Weller Coffee Hour Chair Christiana Athanasiou Coffee Hour Co-chair Kerwin Johnson Brunch Chair ZP Zhang Brunch Co-chair Tara Sainath Athletics Chair Hila Hashemi Cultural Chair Jessica Edmonds Outing Chair Rosaria Chiang Chair of the Halls Nan Gu President Swati Mohan VP of Residential Life Michelle Sander VP of Resources Wendy Iskenderian VP of Information
Make resources and services available to residents –Procuring/Purchasing –Installation/Inventory –Work with House Manager and vendors on new capital expenses and repairs –Fostering an interest in music and arts Maintain resources –Inventory database and check-out infrastructure –Guidelines for equipment use –Encouraging community in upkeep of residence Financial stewardship –Securing funding, establishing budgets, reimbursements Make resources and services available to residents –Procuring/Purchasing –Installation/Inventory –Work with House Manager and vendors on new capital expenses and repairs –Fostering an interest in music and arts Maintain resources –Inventory database and check-out infrastructure –Guidelines for equipment use –Encouraging community in upkeep of residence Financial stewardship –Securing funding, establishing budgets, reimbursements Office of Resources
Matt Abel A/V Chair Robin Stewart A/V Co-chair JunJay Tan Aquarium Co-chair Romain Levy Aquarium Chair Chia-hung Wu Controller Nestor Quispez- Asin Arts Chair Vivienne Sze Inventory Chair Tim Chen Music Chair Adrienne Li Plants Chair Daniel Myers Bikes Chair Chris Mandy IT Chair Nan Gu President Swati Mohan VP of Residential Life Michelle Sander VP of Resources Rosaria Chiang Chair of the Halls Wendy Iskenderian VP of Information
First point of contact for residents Organize hall events Represent residents to House Council Mediation and counseling Work together to create the community that is S-P First point of contact for residents Organize hall events Represent residents to House Council Mediation and counseling Work together to create the community that is S-P Hall Council
Hoda Eydgahi Floor 9 Austin Minnich Floor 1 David Uniman Floor 7 Monica Martinez-Bravo Floor 6 Jack Chu 2-North Vacant 2-South Galen Li 3-North Alex McCauley 4-North Chris Dodd 3-South Carol Hua 4-South Daniel Klein 5-North Chris Chuang 5-South Emily Shen Floor 8 Wendy Iskenderian VP of Information Michelle Sander VP of Resources Nan Gu President Swati Mohan VP of Residential Life Rosaria Chiang Chair of the Halls
What it means to be an SP officer Volunteer Government –The people who really care –Friendliest, most active people you’ll meet Supporting each other –Together, we can do what seems impossible Volunteer Government –The people who really care –Friendliest, most active people you’ll meet Supporting each other –Together, we can do what seems impossible
Other Sources of Support Housemasters: Roger and Dottie Mark Associate (and baby) Housemasters: Roland Tang and Annette Kim (and Joshua) House Manager: Jack Ahern
Housing The answers you’ve been looking for… Who is eligible? –SP residents with renewable housing contracts –Including incoming house officers and 2nd year senior segues Timeline: –May 6: list of rooms available is made public –May 9: room/roommate preference due –May 15: room assignment posted All moves MUST be completed by 8/20 If you want to stay in your room, YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANYTHING The answers you’ve been looking for… Who is eligible? –SP residents with renewable housing contracts –Including incoming house officers and 2nd year senior segues Timeline: –May 6: list of rooms available is made public –May 9: room/roommate preference due –May 15: room assignment posted All moves MUST be completed by 8/20 If you want to stay in your room, YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANYTHING
Trustee Nominations Jane Kim Alex Lewis Jane Kim Alex Lewis
Transition Brunch May 5 th at the Marriott 9:30AM: Meet in the Lobby 10:00AM: Arrive at the Marriott 10:30AM: Eat while talking with your predecessor/successor 12:00PM: Brunch Ends May 5 th at the Marriott 9:30AM: Meet in the Lobby 10:00AM: Arrive at the Marriott 10:30AM: Eat while talking with your predecessor/successor 12:00PM: Brunch Ends
Upcoming Events Saturday, May 5 th : Transition Brunch Friday, May 18 th : GSC Acoustic BBQ Saturday, May 26 th : S-P BBQ & Movie Sunday, June 3 rd : S-P Officer Retreat June: Cultural Festival, NBA Finals, HC BBQ & Movie, Brunch July: Pool Party, Brunch, Movie Saturday, May 5 th : Transition Brunch Friday, May 18 th : GSC Acoustic BBQ Saturday, May 26 th : S-P BBQ & Movie Sunday, June 3 rd : S-P Officer Retreat June: Cultural Festival, NBA Finals, HC BBQ & Movie, Brunch July: Pool Party, Brunch, Movie
GSC Acoustic BBQ Friday, May 18 th 4PM-8PM, Stata Center
Open Floor Questions? Comments? Questions? Comments?
Office Meetings Follow your respective SPEC members –Office of the President: Nan –Office of Information: Wendy –Office of Residential Life: Swati –Office of Resources: Michelle –Hall Council: Rosaria Follow your respective SPEC members –Office of the President: Nan –Office of Information: Wendy –Office of Residential Life: Swati –Office of Resources: Michelle –Hall Council: Rosaria