“ My Name” 1. Read “My Name.” 2. Different students read different stanzas and listen for the different voices.
“ My Name” 3. Identify the various voices of each stanza. 4. How does this poem relate to the “Coming of Age” theme? QUICKWRITE
“ My Name” 5. Homework: Stanza #1 – Where does your name come from? #2 – What does your name mean?
“ My Name” 5. Homework: Stanza #3 – What are your feelings about your name? #4 – What would you like to change your name to if you could?
“ My Name” 5. Homework: - Stanza # 5 – Does your name come from a relative? How are you like that relative? How are you different from that relative?
“ My Name” 5. Homework: - Stanza # 5 – How do you think others feel about your name? Do you have a nickname?
“ My Name” 5. Homework: - Write a personal narrative or poem similar to the “My Name” poem. Each stanza should represent the info in each of her stanzas.