Understanding wood cell wall structure, biopolymer interaction and composition for current products and new materials FP1105: WoodCellNet Start date: 01/07/2012 End date: 23 May 2016 Year: 4 Workshop No 7 Philip Turner Chair of the Action
2 Welcome Announcement Biophysics workshop in Latvia, March 2016 The physical principles driving plant structures 20 places
A 3D probability density distribution, which describes the tendency to form a cell wall structure.
Schrödinger flowers … Platycodon (campanulacea)!
Carbonate-silica (BaCO 3 -SiO 2 ) flower formation W.L. Noorduin et al. Science 340, 832 (2013)
11 Contact me Philip Turner or Zurine Hernandez if you wish to attend
12 Reimbursement forms Ensure you submit your reimbursement forms online as quickly as possible. Within 2 weeks!
13 Thank you Ingo for organising and hosting this workshop.